refreshing folder contents (maybe?)



I don't even know if the subjects is corret. Anyway, this is what is
I have a procedure which will call two other procedures.
The procedure A call procedure B which unzip a file in a folder (the .zip
contains 17 tables in ADTG format). The focus then go back to procedure A
that call procedure B which use the unzipped files (one for each table) to
get the data from these tables (previously saved during a backup procedure.
Here is were the zip file is created) to repopulate the database tables.
What is happening is that it doesn't work always fine. Sometimes I get an
error message saying that the files (the files created during the unzip
procedure) in the folder doesn't exist.
But if I open the folder I can see all the files!!
If I omit the unzip procedure (let say if I unzip the files myself whitout
calling the procedure) it works fine.
So I'm guessing is something like the folder needs to be refreshed after
unzipping or what...
Any suggestion?



Ok guys,
I hadn't done a search over the internet before to write down my question.
And I was wrong.
I found this:

And it works fine!!!
It's not a question of refreshing, but that when the code shells another
application, VBA keep going on and that means it continues running without
waiting for the shelled application to end.
Thanks anyway and sorry,

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