Hope someone can help me
WinXP, DSL, ZoneAlarm Pro 4.0, Daily Virus scans, also Ad-Aware scans
1. Explorer Home page (set by me) is Yahoo. Upon initial load, Yahoo
time is the same as PC time
2. If I sit for 5 mins and hit "refresh", my page appears to re-load,
but no longer up to date time, it is now obviously 5 mins behind
current time. If I wait 20 mins, well, obsviously 20 mins.
3. Not related?----> Some home page "main sites" load, but if I
choose a link from within that site then it fails to load. For
example, Amazon loads, but choosing "bestsellers" only loads
I have de-powered by DSL modem for 15 mins and restarted the PC, that
seems to fix it, but the problem starts up again soon thereafter
WinXP, DSL, ZoneAlarm Pro 4.0, Daily Virus scans, also Ad-Aware scans
1. Explorer Home page (set by me) is Yahoo. Upon initial load, Yahoo
time is the same as PC time
2. If I sit for 5 mins and hit "refresh", my page appears to re-load,
but no longer up to date time, it is now obviously 5 mins behind
current time. If I wait 20 mins, well, obsviously 20 mins.
3. Not related?----> Some home page "main sites" load, but if I
choose a link from within that site then it fails to load. For
example, Amazon loads, but choosing "bestsellers" only loads
I have de-powered by DSL modem for 15 mins and restarted the PC, that
seems to fix it, but the problem starts up again soon thereafter