reformating a website downloaded for printing

  • Thread starter Thread starter G.Bon
  • Start date Start date



I sometimes download entire website with Winhttrack for printing them but
the results with web browsers are not very nice.

I've tried to use web2html or chmworkshop for transforming entire web sites
into chm file. (thoses freewares are using microsoft html workshop).
Having all the site in one file (chm) is more convenient that all the files
of the website.
Nevertheless it's not very nice when printing chm. (pages jumps are
sometimes in the middle of a picture)

So, I'm looking for one or some freewares to transform a chm help file (or
an entire html website) into a file that can be edited for changing pages
setup (rtf, doc, Oo, enven just one long html with all the site).

thank for every ideas,


I sometimes download entire website with Winhttrack for printing them but
the results with web browsers are not very nice.

I've tried to use web2html or chmworkshop for transforming entire web sites
into chm file. (thoses freewares are using microsoft html workshop).
Having all the site in one file (chm) is more convenient that all the files
of the website.
Nevertheless it's not very nice when printing chm. (pages jumps are
sometimes in the middle of a picture)

So, I'm looking for one or some freewares to transform a chm help file (or
an entire html website) into a file that can be edited for changing pages
setup (rtf, doc, Oo, enven just one long html with all the site).

thank for every ideas,


Is it your understanding when you download these sites that what you have
is a true and potentially working copy of this website? I know others will
want to know this before they answer.

Don't take this the wrong way. If this program does give you that, fine. Be
truthful when you reply and give details as to what you would need to do
(if anything) to take the downloads and put them up as fully functioning

My aim is to print the whole web site with a good page set-up.
often, using all linked page print option give something not very nice.

Now, I can make copy/paste from internet explorer to Word or open office but
if there are a lot of pages, it can take a long time.
I can also download the whole web site with winHtTrack (this is working
I can then transform all the files downloaded to a single chm file (This is
also Ok, I can navigate in the file) but if I want to print the whole chm
file, I don't get blind pages (pictures are oftently cutted).

So, I would like to put the chm file or the downloader web site in a word
processor software like MSWord for setting-up the page layout before


My aim is to print the whole web site with a good page set-up.
often, using all linked page print option give something not very nice.

Now, I can make copy/paste from internet explorer to Word or open office but
if there are a lot of pages, it can take a long time.
I can also download the whole web site with winHtTrack (this is working
I can then transform all the files downloaded to a single chm file (This is
also Ok, I can navigate in the file) but if I want to print the whole chm
file, I don't get blind pages (pictures are oftently cutted).

So, I would like to put the chm file or the downloader web site in a word
processor software like MSWord for setting-up the page layout before


Is it your understanding when you download these sites that what you have
is a true and potentially working copy of this website? I know others will
want to know this before they answer.

Don't take this the wrong way. If this program does give you that, fine. Be
truthful when you reply and give details as to what you would need to do
(if anything) to take the downloads and put them up as fully functioning
G.Bon said:

My aim is to print the whole web site with a good page set-up.
often, using all linked page print option give something not very nice.

Now, I can make copy/paste from internet explorer to Word or open office but
if there are a lot of pages, it can take a long time.
I can also download the whole web site with winHtTrack (this is working
I can then transform all the files downloaded to a single chm file (This is
also Ok, I can navigate in the file) but if I want to print the whole chm
file, I don't get blind pages (pictures are oftently cutted).

So, I would like to put the chm file or the downloader web site in a word
processor software like MSWord for setting-up the page layout before


I haven't tried this, but I would first concatenate the downloaded .html
files to a large .html file, then save the concatenated file as a .mht file
with InternetExplorer to embed the images. You might have to edit the
concatenated file to prevent images being cut when printing.


Frank Bohan
¶ Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?
G.Bon said:
My aim is to print the whole web site with a good page set-up.
often, using all linked page print option give something not very nice.

Now, I can make copy/paste from internet explorer to Word or open office but
if there are a lot of pages, it can take a long time.
I can also download the whole web site with winHtTrack (this is working
I can then transform all the files downloaded to a single chm file (This is
also Ok, I can navigate in the file) but if I want to print the whole chm
file, I don't get blind pages (pictures are oftently cutted).

I didn't see you get much reply here. I don't engage in printing such docs,
myself, so I am not in a position to give you direct feedback. What I can do
is to give mention of a couple of items, based on ACF reading.

The first, it concerns a problem of trying to print all topics from a CHM,
and not getting images in the output from the subtopics. That story, it's
that it means one's HTML Help components need to be updated.[email protected]#link2

The next item, it concerns CHM to PDF conversion. Since PDF format is
designed for printing purposes, my guess is that the page break problem
you're reporting ought not occur in PDF printouts.

Creating PDFs from CHMs

The above describes a trick to grab "~hh*.htm file from your temp directory,
after initial launch of print command on a CHM. The file contains all the
subtopics as one continuous HTML file.

On next step, with use of one of the freeware PDF printer drivers, will you
get images? I don't know. I had the impression the answer might be no, which
would miss your whole purpose. OTOH, I've never engaged in the CHM to PDF
activity, so there are better sources to answer that....

Finally, one more link from ACF, on the CHM to PDF approach, this freeware:

A couple of things to perhaps look into, at least. Good luck.