The OP needed info on how to clean install, and your reply did not answer
the OP's question very clearly.. Pegasus corrected you quite nicely, and yet
you took offence, considering that you had been 'stomped'.. c'est la vie..
c'est la guerre..
Re. you last 'shot'..
I would agree that 99% of corporate machines are formatted NTFS, but this is
not true of 'home' machines necessarily.. Quote from you "Your drive should
already be formatted to
ntfs...... ", an assumption at best, and then you continued with the obvious
"and doing a clean install would be the way to go.", the OP already having
stated the requirement to start over..
In you first answer, there was no mention of rebooting.. quote from you "Put
the xp cd in, tap the f8 key and you should get to the options."
Quoting from you again.. " Put the xp cd in, tap the f8 key and you should
get to the options. You can do a repair or reinstall.".. if this isn't a
suggestion that a repair install can be executed by tapping F8, then I don't
know what is..
If you have been in support for a while, especially home users, you will
know that many try to format from the Command Prompt in Windows XP.. this
may be regarded as an assumption in 'all' cases, but very close to what
happens most times.. you see it posted in this newsgroup quite often.. so
your " But...you might have other issues with your hard drive as well." had
some truth in it.. reading between the lines and knowing that many try to
format c: from within the OS, you wouldn't really have to ask for more..
however, there is nothing like getting confirmation, I guess..
The OP did not initially state whether the cd being used was OEM MS or a
vendor recovery type.. in the case of the latter, I believe that F10 is the
key of preference..
Your use of the term 'ego maniac' suggests to me (and others, it would seem)
that you do not like to be corrected, yet that is how we all learn.. further
statements like "He sugar coated my answer to sound (techy) and then
proceeded to make nonexistant corrections." re-inforce the belief that you
do not take kindly to what essentially was constructive criticism.. I am
always grateful for corrections to anything that I have stated, as it is not
my intention to deliberately mislead anybody.. I keep notes in MS OneNote
and adjust any pre-written text accordingly..
Maybe you should consider something similar..
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/User
"If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept
it all to themselves." - Lane Kirkland
>> >
> Would you please mind your own business?????? You pompous jerk! The
> person just wanted to be refreshed on what options he\she had! Don't
> you get it???? 99% of winxp partitions are NTFS!!! If you READ the
> #%$&^&!! post right i have put in cd, REBOOT!!!! This is what i mean,
> if you correct someone,,, do it right!!! ONCE AGAIN...I never said you
> could do a repair from tapping F8!!!!!! Windows might not have let them
> reformat when booting from cd!!!! Once again YOU assume they did it from
> winxp desktop!!And actually in an OEM, you DO have to tap F8 to get to
> fresh install or repair!! And Guess what,,,I have XPpro, not oem, I set
> to boot from cd and all it did was go to windows!! I tapped F8 and got
> to the repair console and fresh install\format options!! You think
> maybe this person has the same problem as they stated??? Why do i
> bother? You'll just read it wrong again and post something else! read
> the users reply!
> "F8" .... THAT'S IT!!! Just couldn't remember that. I kept thinking F8
> was
> for getting into Safe Mode but forgot that if you do it during a CD
> boot with
> the Windows CD you can get into the Setup. What I wanted to do was
> reformat
> C and start over but when I just booted from the XP CD, it just
> launched
> Windows. I forgot about the F8 Key.
> --
> PCDaddyPosted from https://www.pcreview.co.uk/ newsgroup access