Hi Derek,
I have already debugged the sample you listed out. Now it works well. I
think this sample will give you a good understanding of Reflection.
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Class test
Shared Sub Main()
Dim obj As forinvoke = New forinvoke
End Sub
End Class
Class forinvoke
Public Sub CallMethodsThruReflection()
'No Parameters
fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn1")
'One String Parameter
Dim l_objParams2(0) As Object
l_objParams2(0) = "Hi"
fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn2", l_objParams2)
'One Integer Parameter
Dim l_objParams3(0) As Object
l_objParams3(0) = 20
fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn3", l_objParams3)
'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameter
Dim l_objParams4(1) As Object
l_objParams4(0) = "Hi"
l_objParams4(1) = 20
fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn4", l_objParams4)
'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameterand One String as
return Parameter
Dim l_objParams5(1) As Object
l_objParams5(0) = "Hi"
l_objParams5(1) = 20
Dim l_strRetVal As String = fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn5",
print("Return Value from fn5 : " & l_strRetVal)
End Sub
Public Function fnExecuteMethods(ByVal p_objObject As Object, ByVal
p_objMethodName As String, Optional ByVal p_objParams() As Object =
Nothing) As Object
' Create a type object and store the type of theobject passed
Dim l_objType As Type = p_objObject.GetType
'Declare a MethodInfo object to store the Methodsof the class
Dim l_objMethodInfo As MethodInfo
'Declare a variable to loop through the Methods ofthis class
Dim l_intMethodCtr As Integer
' Get the MethodInfo for the current class.Binding Flags are
specified to get the
' public and private Methods of this class. WhenPublic or
Non-Public is specified
' in the BindingFlags, it is also necessary tospecify Static or
l_objMethodInfo = l_objType.GetMethod(p_objMethodName,
BindingFlags.NonPublic Or BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static Or
Return l_objMethodInfo.Invoke(p_objObject, p_objParams)
End Function
Public Sub fn1()
print("fn1 was called")
End Sub
Public Sub fn2(ByVal p_strData As String)
print("fn2 was called with parameter : " & p_strData)
End Sub
Public Sub fn3(ByVal p_intData As Integer)
print("fn3 was called with parameter : " & p_intData)
End Sub
Public Sub fn4(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal p_intData As Integer)
print("fn4 was called with parameters : " & p_strData & " AND " &
End Sub
Public Function fn5(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal p_intData As
Integer) As String
print("fn5 was called with parameters : " & p_strData & " AND " &
p_intData & ". Returning aconcatenated value.")
Return p_strData & p_intData
End Function
Public Sub print(ByVal p_objObject As Object)
End Sub
End Class
Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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!From: "Derek Hart" <
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!Subject: Re: Reflection - Run Function From String
!Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 08:52:49 -0700
!Lines: 364
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!X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!OK, here is the code slice:
!The fnExecuteMethods takes an object, a method name and
!optionally parameters and invokes those methods
!Public Sub CallMethodsThruReflection()
! 'No Parameters
! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn1")
! 'One String Parameter
! Dim l_objParams2(0) As Object
! l_objParams2(0) = "Hi"
! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn2", l_objParams2)
! 'One Integer Parameter
! Dim l_objParams3(0) As Object
! l_objParams3(0) = 20
! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn3", l_objParams3)
! 'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameter
! Dim l_objParams4(1) As Object
! l_objParams4(0) = "Hi"
! l_objParams4(1) = 20
! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn4", l_objParams4)
! 'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameter
!and One String as return Parameter
! Dim l_objParams5(1) As Object
! l_objParams5(0) = "Hi"
! l_objParams5(1) = 20
! Dim l_strRetVal As String = fnExecuteMethods
!(Me, "fn5", l_objParams5).ToString
! print("Return Value from fn5 : " & l_strRetVal)
! End Sub
! Public Function fnExecuteMethods(ByVal p_objObject As
!Object, ByVal p_objMethodName As String, Optional ByVal
!p_objParams() As Object = Nothing) As Object
! ' Create a type object and store the type of the
!object passed
! Dim l_objType As Type = p_objObject.GetType
! 'Declare a MethodInfo object to store the Methods
!of the class
! Dim l_objMethodInfo As MethodInfo
! 'Declare a variable to loop through the Methods of
!this class
! Dim l_intMethodCtr As Integer
! ' Get the MethodInfo for the current class.
!Binding Flags are specified to get the
! ' public and private Methods of this class. When
!Public or Non-Public is specified
! ' in the BindingFlags, it is also necessary to
!specify Static or Instance
! l_objMethodInfo = l_objType.GetMethod
!(p_objMethodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic Or
!BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static Or
! Return l_objMethodInfo.Invoke(p_objObject,
! End Function
! Public Sub fn1()
! print("fn1 was called")
! End Sub
! Public Sub fn2(ByVal p_strData As String)
! print("fn2 was called with parameter : " &
! End Sub
! Public Sub fn3(ByVal p_intData As Integer)
! print("fn3 was called with parameter : " &
! End Sub
! Public Sub fn4(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal
!p_intData As Integer)
! print("fn4 was called with parameters : " &
!p_strData & " AND " & p_intData)
! End Sub
! Public Function fn5(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal
!p_intData As Integer) As String
! print("fn5 was called with parameters : " &
!p_strData & " AND " & p_intData & ". Returning a
!concatenated value.")
! Return p_strData & p_intData
! End Function
! Public Sub print(ByVal p_objObject As Object)
! Console.WriteLine(p_objObject)
! End Sub
!!> Hello Derek,
!> Could you please post the code slice that you used here? The people here
!> should be able to give you some idea.

!> Best regards,
!> yhhuang
!> VS.NET, Visual C++
!> Microsoft
!> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
!> Got .Net?
!> --------------------
!> !From: "Derek Hart" <
[email protected]>
!> !References: <#
[email protected]>
!> <#
[email protected]>
!> <
[email protected]>
!> <
[email protected]>
!> <
[email protected]>
!> <
[email protected]>
!> !Subject: Re: Reflection - Run Function From String
!> !Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 20:13:04 -0700
!> !Lines: 216
!> !X-Priority: 3
!> !X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
!> !X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
!> !X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
!> !Message-ID: <
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!> !Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!> !NNTP-Posting-Host: lsanca1-ar3-4-60-038-089.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net
!> !Path: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl
!> !Xref: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl microsoft.public.dotnet.general:15009
!> !X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!> !
!> !Yes, I have looked at this. I bring in the first routine, and there are
!> !errors in it that I just don't understand. I wish I could find clean
!> !example of this . . .
!> !
!> !Derek
!> !
!> !!> !> Hello Derek,
!> !>
!> !> Here are many code samples on how to invoke different kinds of methods
!> !> through reflection. In the samples, because the names of the methods
!> being
!> !> invoked are stored in strings, this mechanism provides the capability
!> !> specify methods to be invoked at runtime, rather than at design-time.
!> !>
!> !>
!> !>
!> !> Hope it helps.
!> !>
!> !> Best regards,
!> !> yhhuang
!> !> VS.NET, Visual C++
!> !> Microsoft
!> !>
!> !> This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no
!> !rights.
!> !> Got .Net?
!> !> --------------------
!> !> !From: "Derek Hart" <
[email protected]>
!> !> !References: <#
[email protected]>
!> !> <#
[email protected]>
!> !> <
[email protected]>
!> !> <
[email protected]>
!> !> !Subject: Re: Reflection - Run Function From String
!> !> !Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 10:22:46 -0700
!> !> !Lines: 163
!> !> !X-Priority: 3
!> !> !X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
!> !> !X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
!> !> !X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
!> !> !Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
!> !> !Newsgroups: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!> !> !NNTP-Posting-Host: lsanca1-ar3-4-60-038-089.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net
!> !>
!> !> !Path: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP08.phx.gbl!TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl
!> !> !Xref: cpmsftngxa09.phx.gbl microsoft.public.dotnet.general:14973
!> !> !X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.general
!> !> !
!> !> !Hi, thank you for responding. When I paste the code in there are a
!> of
!> !> !errors. Should I paste this into a global module? Can you email me
!> this
!> !> in
!> !> !a module or a VB.Net app? Thank you so much for responding. Nobody
!> !> !been able to answer this.
!> !> !
!> !> !
!> !> !!> !> !Hi
!> !> !
!> !> !Is ur reqmt that "A Function Name will be passed at
!> !> !runtime and you need to execute that function using
!> !> !reflection?".Please confirm...If that is the case here u go
!> !> !
!> !> !The fnExecuteMethods takes an object, a method name and
!> !> !optionally parameters and invokes those methods
!> !> !
!> !> !Public Sub CallMethodsThruReflection()
!> !> !
!> !> ! 'No Parameters
!> !> ! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn1")
!> !> ! 'One String Parameter
!> !> ! Dim l_objParams2(0) As Object
!> !> ! l_objParams2(0) = "Hi"
!> !> ! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn2", l_objParams2)
!> !> ! 'One Integer Parameter
!> !> ! Dim l_objParams3(0) As Object
!> !> ! l_objParams3(0) = 20
!> !> ! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn3", l_objParams3)
!> !> ! 'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameter
!> !> ! Dim l_objParams4(1) As Object
!> !> ! l_objParams4(0) = "Hi"
!> !> ! l_objParams4(1) = 20
!> !> ! fnExecuteMethods(Me, "fn4", l_objParams4)
!> !> ! 'One String Parameter and One Integer Parameter
!> !> !and One String as return Parameter
!> !> ! Dim l_objParams5(1) As Object
!> !> ! l_objParams5(0) = "Hi"
!> !> ! l_objParams5(1) = 20
!> !> ! Dim l_strRetVal As String = fnExecuteMethods
!> !> !(Me, "fn5", l_objParams5).ToString
!> !> ! print("Return Value from fn5 : " & l_strRetVal)
!> !> !
!> !> !
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Function fnExecuteMethods(ByVal p_objObject As
!> !> !Object, ByVal p_objMethodName As String, Optional ByVal
!> !> !p_objParams() As Object = Nothing) As Object
!> !> !
!> !> ! ' Create a type object and store the type of the
!> !> !object passed
!> !> ! Dim l_objType As Type = p_objObject.GetType
!> !> ! 'Declare a MethodInfo object to store the Methods
!> !> !of the class
!> !> ! Dim l_objMethodInfo As MethodInfo
!> !> ! 'Declare a variable to loop through the Methods of
!> !> !this class
!> !> ! Dim l_intMethodCtr As Integer
!> !> !
!> !> ! ' Get the MethodInfo for the current class.
!> !> !Binding Flags are specified to get the
!> !> ! ' public and private Methods of this class. When
!> !> !Public or Non-Public is specified
!> !> ! ' in the BindingFlags, it is also necessary to
!> !> !specify Static or Instance
!> !> ! l_objMethodInfo = l_objType.GetMethod
!> !> !(p_objMethodName, BindingFlags.NonPublic Or
!> !> !BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static Or
!> !> !BindingFlags.Instance)
!> !> !
!> !> ! Return l_objMethodInfo.Invoke(p_objObject,
!> !> !p_objParams)
!> !> !
!> !> ! End Function
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Sub fn1()
!> !> ! print("fn1 was called")
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Sub fn2(ByVal p_strData As String)
!> !> ! print("fn2 was called with parameter : " &
!> !> !p_strData)
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Sub fn3(ByVal p_intData As Integer)
!> !> ! print("fn3 was called with parameter : " &
!> !> !p_intData)
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Sub fn4(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal
!> !> !p_intData As Integer)
!> !> ! print("fn4 was called with parameters : " &
!> !> !p_strData & " AND " & p_intData)
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Function fn5(ByVal p_strData As String, ByVal
!> !> !p_intData As Integer) As String
!> !> ! print("fn5 was called with parameters : " &
!> !> !p_strData & " AND " & p_intData & ". Returning a
!> !> !concatenated value.")
!> !> ! Return p_strData & p_intData
!> !> ! End Function
!> !> !
!> !> ! Public Sub print(ByVal p_objObject As Object)
!> !> ! Console.WriteLine(p_objObject)
!> !> ! End Sub
!> !> !
!> !> !Hope this helps
!> !> !
!> !> !regards,
!> !> !
!> !> !sr
!> !> !
!> !> !>-----Original Message-----
!> !> !>I have seen this described so that a function from
!> !> !another assembly can be
!> !> !>loaded, but I know the function will be in the compiled
!> !> !assembly that runs
!> !> !>the main program. I am still searching for somebody that
!> !> !has coded this . .
!> !> !>..
!> !> !>
!> !> !>Any ideas?
!> !> !>
!> !> !>Derek
!> !> !>
!> !> !>
!> !> !in message
!> !> !>!> !> !>> Derek,
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>> >I have seen a ton of people discuss how reflection
!> !> !does this, but I
!> !> !>cannot
!> !> !>> >find the syntax to do this. I have tried several code
!> !> !example off of
!> !> !>> >gotdotnet and other articles. Can somebody please
!> !> !show me the code to do
!> !> !>> >this?
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>> There's no really easy way to do this. You'll have to
!> !> !parse out the
!> !> !>> function name and parameters, look up the method you
!> !> !want to call,
!> !> !>> convert the parameter types if needed, and then call
!> !> !the function.
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>> Mattias
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>> --
!> !> !>> Mattias Sjögren [MVP] mattias @ mvps.org
!> !> !>>
!> !> !>> Please reply only to the newsgroup.
!> !> !>
!> !> !>
!> !> !>.
!> !> !>
!> !> !
!> !> !
!> !> !
!> !>
!> !
!> !
!> !