PJ6 said:
Can't find this in the docs
Because it's not there.
how do you discover from the content of the stack trace what paramater
values were fed to a method in a particular frame?
Can't be done.
By the time the Stack Trace is caught in an Exception Handling routine,
the values themselves, most likely, are long dead and gone.
To me, this is one of the most frustrating things about .Net's Exception
Handling. I've even gone as far as creating my own "tracking" class
which I use to instrument the entry and exit - *with* parameters and
return values - to/from my methods. Yes, there's a sizable overhead in
doing this but, as I think you've discovered, just knowing /where/
something failed /isn't/ enough to start solving the problem.
(And I hate Line Numbers, too, for the same reason).
"Bad" Code /breaks/.
"Good" Code /gets broken/, by Bad Data.
And what's missing from the Exception StackTrace? The data that caused
the failure.
Phill W.