Axel Dahmen
I'd like to create an array of a Type. How can I do that using reflection?
Currently I'm using the following code to create single instances:
constr=type.GetConstructor(new Type[]{...});
newObj=constr.Invoke(new object[]{...});
Now I need to create a typed array of that type to store a number of these
instances. How can I do that?
Any help is quite appreciated!
Axel Dahmen
I'd like to create an array of a Type. How can I do that using reflection?
Currently I'm using the following code to create single instances:
constr=type.GetConstructor(new Type[]{...});
newObj=constr.Invoke(new object[]{...});
Now I need to create a typed array of that type to store a number of these
instances. How can I do that?
Any help is quite appreciated!
Axel Dahmen