Ben Rush
We use stored procedures extensively in Oracle and I thought an interesting
thing to do would be to examine the signature of a stored procedure and
then, using reflection emit, create stub functions for these stored
procedures in, say, C#. That way the idea of having a generic function like
CallStoredProcedure(string ProcedureName, string[] parameters);
would be gone and I could have something like
DoSomething(String value1, Int32 value2);
Which exactly mimics the signature of a stored procedure. Using ADO.NET, do
you know if this is possible to "reflect" upon stored procedures like this?
I'm starting to dig through my ADO.NET book right now, but any pointers or
thoughts would be beneficial.
We use stored procedures extensively in Oracle and I thought an interesting
thing to do would be to examine the signature of a stored procedure and
then, using reflection emit, create stub functions for these stored
procedures in, say, C#. That way the idea of having a generic function like
CallStoredProcedure(string ProcedureName, string[] parameters);
would be gone and I could have something like
DoSomething(String value1, Int32 value2);
Which exactly mimics the signature of a stored procedure. Using ADO.NET, do
you know if this is possible to "reflect" upon stored procedures like this?
I'm starting to dig through my ADO.NET book right now, but any pointers or
thoughts would be beneficial.