I am running a report that lists employees and their
Employee1 name
phone 555.555.5555
fax 555.555.1234 (first)
Employee2 name
phone 555.555.4321
fax 555.555.1234 (duplicate-hidden)
Location2 (etc)
I only need the fax listed once per location, so I set the
fax field to hide duplicates; however, I still need to
hide the fax label if the duplicate fax number is hidden.
I am already hidding the labels for fields that are null:
Dim blnCell As Boolean
Dim blnFax As Boolean
blnCell = Not IsNull(user_cell)
blnFax = Not IsNull(user_fax)
user_cell_Label.Visible = blnCell
user_fax_Label.Visible = blnFax
Employee1 name
phone 555.555.5555
fax 555.555.1234 (first)
Employee2 name
phone 555.555.4321
fax 555.555.1234 (duplicate-hidden)
Location2 (etc)
I only need the fax listed once per location, so I set the
fax field to hide duplicates; however, I still need to
hide the fax label if the duplicate fax number is hidden.
I am already hidding the labels for fields that are null:
Dim blnCell As Boolean
Dim blnFax As Boolean
blnCell = Not IsNull(user_cell)
blnFax = Not IsNull(user_fax)
user_cell_Label.Visible = blnCell
user_fax_Label.Visible = blnFax