I've read a heap of material regarding the refilling of these
particular carts. Of all, they seem to be the easiest to do.
But. . . I wonder about the need (or desirability) of opening the "air
vent" that's located atop the sponge compartment. Some say to open it;
others say not to open it and some don't address the issue at all.
It seems to me that if I'm refilling an almost-empty cart, where just
2 or 3 ml. of ink remain in the liquid-ink chamber (to me, the most
desirable point at which to refill), it's not necessary and, in fact,
may be very undesirable to open that sponge-chamber vent.
If I melt a hole in the ink chamber (I like the paper clip trick), I
can insert a needle with enough room around it to allow the air in the
ink chamber to come out. Once filled, a li'l dab of bathroom caulk
should do the trick. Does that make sense?
If all I'm doing is raising the level of the ink in the ink chamber,
why can't I just leave that vent alone? I'd like to let it do its
thing in peace and contentment, far from the excitement that I create
in the ink chamber.
Of course, if I'm filling some empty, virgin carts, that's another
I'll appreciate some wisdom from those to whom this refilling is old
hat. Thanks!
Pixmaker in FLL
It's not the heat, it's the humidity!
(...Think the humidity's bad?
You should watch us vote!)