Refesh Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
  • Start date Start date



I have built an "options" as a central point in a database
where other forms and objects can be opened for data

However, when a separate form is opened for data entry and
a new record is added, the options form stays open in the
background. When the data-entry form is closed, the new
record's data does not show in the the appropriate drop-
down. If I open and close the options form, then it shows

I would like the options form to reflect the data as soon
as it's entered.

I can't seem to get the lost focus/on focus update query
macro to work.

How can I get this to happen, on what event, etc? Is
there some VBA code I can use, and where would I put it?

Thank you.
Are you using the NotInList event of the combobox to open the popup form? If
so, use the acDialog window mode argument when you open the popup. This will
pause the code in the NotInList event until you close the popup. Next, use
Response=acDataErrAdded to tell Access that there is new data for the
combobox to display. It will refresh the listbox automatically.