Referring to Controls Using Variable



I have a series of lables whose captions I'd like to set in the On Open event
depending on variables. They are named lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, etc., and rather
than setting each explicitly, I would like to use a For...Next loop that can
refer to them using the counter.

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Thank you.

Allen Browne

You can refer to lbl1 as:
or if you prefer:

For i = 1 to 3
Me("lbl" & i).Caption = "This is lbl" & i

Douglas J Steele

Dim intLoop As Integer

For intLoop = 1 to 5
Me.Controls("lbl" & intLoop).Caption = strCaption(intLoop)
Next intLoop

strCaption(intLoop) assumes you've got an array of captions to use: you can
change that to any other approach you like (a function, looking the captions
up in a table, etc.)

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