Excel 8.0
I am testing a means of identifying / selecting (and then copying) a
worksheet within the current workbook.
The report sheets use a standard naming format - Report Name - Mmm-YY e.g.
"Sales Report - Dec-03", "Orders In Report - Dec-03", "Orders Out Report -
Dec-03" etc etc
I am asking the code to confirm the sheets existence.
Sub CheckReport()
Dim ReportSheetMonth As String, ReportSheetType as String, ReportSheetName
as String
'Users enter the Month Required
ReportSheetMonth = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the Month-Year of the
reports you wish to check [mmm-yy]" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "eg Mar-04",
"Report Period"))
' I have other code here that checks the validity of the entry. An example
of an entry would be say "Dec-03"
ReportSheetType = "Sales Report - "
ReportSheetName = ReportSheetType & ReportSheetMonth
If WorksheetExists(ReportSheetName) = True Then _ ' see below
GoTo ReportExists
MsgBox "Report does NOT exist" ' do what is required as a result
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Report does exist" ' do what is required as a result
Exit Sub
To test for the worksheet's existence I use the following Function.
Public Function WorksheetExists(WSName As String, Optional WB As Workbook =
Nothing) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = CBool(Len(IIf(WB Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook,
End Function
The above does not work.
But if I paste the actual name of the worksheet (eg Sales Report - Dec-03)
directly into the code above
i.e. If WorksheetExists("Sales Report - Dec-03") = True Then etc etc
it does work.
What am I doing wrong here?
Any help gratefully appreciated.
I am testing a means of identifying / selecting (and then copying) a
worksheet within the current workbook.
The report sheets use a standard naming format - Report Name - Mmm-YY e.g.
"Sales Report - Dec-03", "Orders In Report - Dec-03", "Orders Out Report -
Dec-03" etc etc
I am asking the code to confirm the sheets existence.
Sub CheckReport()
Dim ReportSheetMonth As String, ReportSheetType as String, ReportSheetName
as String
'Users enter the Month Required
ReportSheetMonth = UCase(InputBox("Please enter the Month-Year of the
reports you wish to check [mmm-yy]" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "eg Mar-04",
"Report Period"))
' I have other code here that checks the validity of the entry. An example
of an entry would be say "Dec-03"
ReportSheetType = "Sales Report - "
ReportSheetName = ReportSheetType & ReportSheetMonth
If WorksheetExists(ReportSheetName) = True Then _ ' see below
GoTo ReportExists
MsgBox "Report does NOT exist" ' do what is required as a result
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Report does exist" ' do what is required as a result
Exit Sub
To test for the worksheet's existence I use the following Function.
Public Function WorksheetExists(WSName As String, Optional WB As Workbook =
Nothing) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
WorksheetExists = CBool(Len(IIf(WB Is Nothing, ThisWorkbook,
End Function
The above does not work.
But if I paste the actual name of the worksheet (eg Sales Report - Dec-03)
directly into the code above
i.e. If WorksheetExists("Sales Report - Dec-03") = True Then etc etc
it does work.
What am I doing wrong here?
Any help gratefully appreciated.