Referencing treeview child-node


Morten Snedker

How do I return the level and index of any given node?

Let's say I want to reference the child-node in the third level of a

Level-1 -> Level-2 -> Level-3

I'm trying to build the view of folders dynamically, as a node is
doubleclicked, eg:

Level-1: C:\
Level-2: C:\Program Files
Level-3: C:\Program Files\My Program

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

Regards /Morten

Ken Tucker [MVP]


I think this is what you are looking for.

"Morten Snedker" <> wrote in message
How do I return the level and index of any given node?

Let's say I want to reference the child-node in the third level of a

Level-1 -> Level-2 -> Level-3

I'm trying to build the view of folders dynamically, as a node is
doubleclicked, eg:

Level-1: C:\
Level-2: C:\Program Files
Level-3: C:\Program Files\My Program

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

Regards /Morten

Morten Snedker

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005 06:25:48 -0400, "Ken Tucker [MVP]"

Actually I'd already seen that example in the online help. My lack of
patience made me glance instead of reading and understand - since the
FullPath property is what I was missing out on. I ended up with

Dim myFolder As String

Dim lf As ListFolders
lf = New ListFolders(Foldername, False)

Dim lfEnum As IEnumerator = lf.GetFolders.GetEnumerator()

While lfEnum.MoveNext()
myFolder = lfEnum.Current
myFolder = myFolder.Substring(InStrRev(myFolder, "\"))
End While

lf = Nothing

....calling it with the TreeView.SelectedNode.FullPath.

Thx for re-routing me. ;-)

Regards /Snedker

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