I need to dynamically control whether or not various subreports are visible
and what their SourceObject is set to. The report I'm working on has four
different levels. The subreports that I want to control are at the lowest
(4th) level. The code I'm using is:
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset, rst2 As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strSQL2 As String
Dim Counter As Byte
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Open a recordset that contains the subreports to turn on. Loop through the
recordset to identify each subreport that
'has been selected and use the rptName as the SourceObject. Use another
recordset that contains the main report's
'subreport structure to identify which Subreport gets which SourceObject.
strSQL = "SELECT CustRptSelectSubs.* " _
& "FROM CustRptSelectSubs " _
& "WHERE Survey_Type = 'Laundry' " _
& "AND CustRptSelectSubs.[Select] = Yes " _
& "ORDER BY SortOrder;"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Counter = 1
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM CustRptSubReportSetup " _
& "WHERE Survey_Type = 'Laundry' " _
& "AND SectionOrder = " & Counter & ";"
Set rst2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
.Visible = True
.SourceObject = "Report." & rst![RptName]
Counter = Counter + 1
If I run the code at the 3rd level (OnOpen event) I get an error that says
"the SourceObject cannot be set once printing has started". If I run the
code at the 1st level (OnOpen event)I get an error that says "you entered an
expression that has an invalid reference to the property form/report".
Comments/suggestions? Thanks.
and what their SourceObject is set to. The report I'm working on has four
different levels. The subreports that I want to control are at the lowest
(4th) level. The code I'm using is:
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As Recordset, rst2 As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strSQL2 As String
Dim Counter As Byte
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Open a recordset that contains the subreports to turn on. Loop through the
recordset to identify each subreport that
'has been selected and use the rptName as the SourceObject. Use another
recordset that contains the main report's
'subreport structure to identify which Subreport gets which SourceObject.
strSQL = "SELECT CustRptSelectSubs.* " _
& "FROM CustRptSelectSubs " _
& "WHERE Survey_Type = 'Laundry' " _
& "AND CustRptSelectSubs.[Select] = Yes " _
& "ORDER BY SortOrder;"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Counter = 1
Do Until rst.EOF
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM CustRptSubReportSetup " _
& "WHERE Survey_Type = 'Laundry' " _
& "AND SectionOrder = " & Counter & ";"
Set rst2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL2)
.Visible = True
.SourceObject = "Report." & rst![RptName]
Counter = Counter + 1
If I run the code at the 3rd level (OnOpen event) I get an error that says
"the SourceObject cannot be set once printing has started". If I run the
code at the 1st level (OnOpen event)I get an error that says "you entered an
expression that has an invalid reference to the property form/report".
Comments/suggestions? Thanks.