Referencing object of same name

  • Thread starter Thread starter tsluu
  • Start date Start date


public class form1

Private WithEvents Appt As Calendar.Apptmnt

Private Sub Panel2_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel2.MouseDoubleClick
static idx as integer
Appt = New Calendar.Apptmnt
Appt.Name = idx
idx = idx + 1


AddHandler Appt.MouseUp, AddressOf Appt_myMouseUp
AddHandler Appt.MouseDown, AddressOf Appt_myMouseDown
AddHandler Appt.MouseMove, AddressOf Appt_myMouseMove
End Sub

Based on the above code, how do I refer to individual Appt when I want to
reference them during mouse_move event. I know how to reference the current
one I clicked, that is by using DirectCast in the event. But how about the
ones that are not in focus.
You have made it private on global level of your class, therefore appt is
accessible in your complete class.