In both cases, you are referring to objects that are members of a
Set frm = Forms(somevariable)
Set ctl = Controls(someothervariable)
Use proper VB syntax instead of Access.
Paul Overway
Logico Solutions, LLC
McKeown NewsGroup Account said:
Hi, have two questions connected to the same skill that I don't have, but
would love to know.
*** Number One ***
How do I reference a form using a variable?
That is:
Set frm = Forms![resultsform]
Will set frm to my results form. But what if I want to use a variable that
can change
Something like:
then use this in the set frm line?
*** Number Two ***
If I then wanted to change an object in this form, say:
frm.Controls!SpaceLabel1.Visible = True
But I had a number of spacelabels and wanted to use a variable, say:
NameOfLabel = SpaceLabel1
Then use this in the line?