I have a main form with two subforms in it. They are not two levels
deep... Just two subforms side by side.
The main from is not bound to any data. Just a combo box there has a
list of recordsets to populate Subform1 with. Once the recordset is
chosen and populated into subform1, the user can select a specific
record on Subform1. It is this selection that I wish to base the data
in Subform 2 on.
I have studied (and tried all sorts of variations on) the following
tutorial on referencing data in one form from another:
However, nothing works for setting a value from subform1 as the Link
Master Field for Subform2. What I tried to do was this:
Link Child Field: fkItem (Which is a field in the dataset for
Link Master Field: Parent.Subform1.pkItem (pkItem being a field in
the dataset for subform1)
I also tried putting "Me." before parent, and using "!" instead of
".", as well as putting square brackets around field names, etc.
Nothing seems to work.
Is this not possible?
Thanks in advance for any help.
deep... Just two subforms side by side.
The main from is not bound to any data. Just a combo box there has a
list of recordsets to populate Subform1 with. Once the recordset is
chosen and populated into subform1, the user can select a specific
record on Subform1. It is this selection that I wish to base the data
in Subform 2 on.
I have studied (and tried all sorts of variations on) the following
tutorial on referencing data in one form from another:
However, nothing works for setting a value from subform1 as the Link
Master Field for Subform2. What I tried to do was this:
Link Child Field: fkItem (Which is a field in the dataset for
Link Master Field: Parent.Subform1.pkItem (pkItem being a field in
the dataset for subform1)
I also tried putting "Me." before parent, and using "!" instead of
".", as well as putting square brackets around field names, etc.
Nothing seems to work.
Is this not possible?
Thanks in advance for any help.