Here is an exerpt from Microsofts Access Help...
To refer to a subform or subreport property, you must type
a full identifier for the form or report by using the Form
or Report property of a subform or subreport control. For
example, the following identifier refers to the Visible
property of the Orders Subform subform:
On my computer, the above statement blows up, but if you
it works.
The help goes on to state...
In contrast, to refer to a control on a subform or
subreport, or one of the control's properties, you don't
have to use the Form or Report property. For example, the
following identifier refers to the Visible property of the
Discount control on the Orders Subform subform:
On my computer, this statement blows up, but if you have....
it works.
Am I going crazy here or am I just missing something?
Micrsoft has been stating this for a long time... For at
least 11 years now (Since I started developing Access
Datatbases) Obviously I've ignored the help and did what
worked. Just thought I'd post this and see what other
people say...
To refer to a subform or subreport property, you must type
a full identifier for the form or report by using the Form
or Report property of a subform or subreport control. For
example, the following identifier refers to the Visible
property of the Orders Subform subform:
On my computer, the above statement blows up, but if you
it works.
The help goes on to state...
In contrast, to refer to a control on a subform or
subreport, or one of the control's properties, you don't
have to use the Form or Report property. For example, the
following identifier refers to the Visible property of the
Discount control on the Orders Subform subform:
On my computer, this statement blows up, but if you have....
it works.
Am I going crazy here or am I just missing something?
Micrsoft has been stating this for a long time... For at
least 11 years now (Since I started developing Access
Datatbases) Obviously I've ignored the help and did what
worked. Just thought I'd post this and see what other
people say...