References to external XLS files



This has never been a problem for me, but have recently changed jobs,
and now I'm having a problem.

I have 2 sales reps, each with their own 'status spreadsheet' (FileA &
FileB); these files remain open most of the day. I also have a 3rd
sheet (Summary) which uses different formulas (COUNTIF, VLOOKUP, etc)
that reference FileA & FileB to provide instant feedback on their
progress (of couse, only as of the last save).

When I open my summary sheet, all cells referencing the other 2
spreadsheets show as "#N/A". The values only populate if I open the
other 2 spreadsheets, and then everything's fine. I want to open only
my summary sheet, so I don't lock out my reps from updating theirs
while I review metrics.

All 3 spreadsheets live in the same subdirectory, and I have full
rights to that subdirectory.

Updating the 'Links' does no good, links box shows as "OK".

I'm stuck.

Dave Peterson

There are some functions that don't work with closed workbooks--=sumif(),
=countif(), =indirect() are a few. But =vlookup() should not cause any trouble.

And there are replacements (array formulas =sum(if()) or =sumproduct()) that can
be used in place of the first two.

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