I'm going crazy trying to get this right! I have a main form [New Invoice2]
and on it I have two subforms: [HDRPLATSubform] and [LINPLATSubform].
[LINPLATSubform] is nested within {HDRPLATSubform]. [LINPLATSubform] and
HDRPLATSubform] are related to one another by a field called [INVNUM]. I'm
trying to tie them both the the field [Invoice Number] on the main form so
that when I type in the invoice number, it appears on my subforms and on
their underlying tables. I was thinking of useing either the AfterUpdate
event or the OnCurrent event to do this, but I can't get the syntax right to
save my life! Please help.
Further (and perhaps unnecessary) explanation: This mainform is based on a
query that brings together information from the Contacts table, the Order
Entry table and the New Invoice table. When I try to include the tables
LINPLAT and HDRPLAT, the query becomes non-updateable. My idea was to
include them as subforms. However, one table [LINPLAT] has no fields that
can be related to the mainform. It is, however, related to the other table
[HDRPLAT] by the field [INVNUM]. My solution was to nest [LINPLAT] into
[HDRPLAT] and use the [Invoice Number] field from the main form to tie them
together. I've tried so many combinations of references my head is numb!
How can I tie the value entered into the field [Invoice Number] on the
mainform to one of the [INVNUM] fields on the subforms?
and on it I have two subforms: [HDRPLATSubform] and [LINPLATSubform].
[LINPLATSubform] is nested within {HDRPLATSubform]. [LINPLATSubform] and
HDRPLATSubform] are related to one another by a field called [INVNUM]. I'm
trying to tie them both the the field [Invoice Number] on the main form so
that when I type in the invoice number, it appears on my subforms and on
their underlying tables. I was thinking of useing either the AfterUpdate
event or the OnCurrent event to do this, but I can't get the syntax right to
save my life! Please help.
Further (and perhaps unnecessary) explanation: This mainform is based on a
query that brings together information from the Contacts table, the Order
Entry table and the New Invoice table. When I try to include the tables
LINPLAT and HDRPLAT, the query becomes non-updateable. My idea was to
include them as subforms. However, one table [LINPLAT] has no fields that
can be related to the mainform. It is, however, related to the other table
[HDRPLAT] by the field [INVNUM]. My solution was to nest [LINPLAT] into
[HDRPLAT] and use the [Invoice Number] field from the main form to tie them
together. I've tried so many combinations of references my head is numb!
How can I tie the value entered into the field [Invoice Number] on the
mainform to one of the [INVNUM] fields on the subforms?