reference field in a table from a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter LGarcia
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,
I have fields on a form which include Subject ID and Date of Interview.
In my db I have a table that contains Subject ID and Birthdate.
On the form I have an unbound text box that I want to use to calculate an
age: DateofInterview-Birthdate.
My problem is: How would I reference the Birthdate field from my text box?
Hope someone can help.
---------- "LGarcia said:
Hi all,
I have fields on a form which include Subject ID and Date of Interview.
In my db I have a table that contains Subject ID and Birthdate.
On the form I have an unbound text box that I want to use to calculate an
age: DateofInterview-Birthdate.
My problem is: How would I reference the Birthdate field from my text box?
Hope someone can help.


take a look to the built in DLookup function. You can retrieve the
value of Birthdate with this. This would look something like:

DLookup("Birthdate","MyTableWithBirthdate","[Subject ID]=" &
Me![Subject ID])

If there's no record with the given Subject ID, the function returns
Null. Please look up also Help item for details.

As for the age it depends what do you want to obtain: only (complete)
years, (complete) months or years +months +days.

Best regards

Emilia Maxim
PC-SoftwareService, Stuttgart
One way would be to use DLookup to pull the birthdate from
the table, which I assume must not be the table the form is
based on. Not knowing your table name, I will punt...

Table","[SubjectID] = " & Me!SubjectID))


Gary Miller
Gary Miller Computer Services
Sisters, OR
Hi all,
I have fields on a form which include Subject ID and Date of Interview.
In my db I have a table that contains Subject ID and Birthdate.
On the form I have an unbound text box that I want to use to calculate an
age: DateofInterview-Birthdate.
My problem is: How would I reference the Birthdate field from my text box?

DLookUp("[Birthdate]", "[tablename]", "[SubjectID] = " & [SubjectID])

will work. Note that subtracting two dates will give a Double Float
number of days - if you want the subject's age in years at the time of
the interview, use an expression like

DateDiff("yyyy", DLookUp("[birthdate]", "[tablename]", "[SubjectID] =
" & [SubjectID]), [Date of Interview]) -
IIF(Format(DLookUp("[birthdate]", "[tablename]", "[SubjectID] = " &
[SubjectID]), "mmdd") > Format([Date of Interview], "mmdd"), 1, 0)
Mr Miller,
Your assumption is correct. Wow!! I didn't know you could nest a DLookup in
a DateDiff function.

Thanks to all for the replies!

Gary Miller said:
One way would be to use DLookup to pull the birthdate from
the table, which I assume must not be the table the form is
based on. Not knowing your table name, I will punt...

Table","[SubjectID] = " & Me!SubjectID))


Gary Miller
Gary Miller Computer Services
Sisters, OR
LGarcia said:
Hi all,
I have fields on a form which include Subject ID and Date of Interview.
In my db I have a table that contains Subject ID and Birthdate.
On the form I have an unbound text box that I want to use to calculate an
age: DateofInterview-Birthdate.
My problem is: How would I reference the Birthdate field from my text box?
Hope someone can help.