For ASP.NET 1,1, compile the code from the command-line,
and import/reference the resulting assembly.
Open a command window and make sure the
1.1 .Net Framework directory is in your system path, by running
PATH= %PATH% & C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727;
Substitute the correct drive letter if you're booting from a different drive.
Also, if you have a non-standard Windows install,
replace "windows" with your custom-named install directory.
To compile a single source code file, use :
csc /t:library /out:globallibrary.dll globallibrary.cs
To compile all .cs files in a directory to globallibrary.dll ,
use : csc /t:library /out:globallibrary.dll *.cs
If you need to reference a .Net Framework assembly or assemblies,
add them, separated by slashes :
csc /t:library /r:system.dll / /out:globallibrary.dll *.cs
Once you have compiled your assembly, place it in the /bin
directory of your application, and import your class Namespace in any aspx page:
<%@ Import Namespace="YourNameSpace" %>
If you're working with VS.NET, compile your assembly
as described and add a reference to it in your VS.NET project.
That will allow you to use Intellisense and get your
assembly's properties, methods, etc. when coding.
Juan T. Llibre, MVP faq :
foros de, en español :
Oh, btw... this is .NET 1.1 ( I know, my work is nuts )