Refer to a column

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I have a macro that finds a cell containing certain data. Once it's found, I need to move to column F, keeping the row the same.
Criteria found in cell AA42. I need to now move to F42 so i can use the values for the 10 cells beginning at F42 though O42.
If the data is found in Z9, I need the data in F9 through O9.

Range("F" & Activecell.row).Select ' or .Activate


Patti said:
I have a macro that finds a cell containing certain data. Once it's found,
I need to move to column F, keeping the row the same.
Criteria found in cell AA42. I need to now move to F42 so i can use the
values for the 10 cells beginning at F42 though O42.
Try refering to cells with row and column rather than A1 style.

range("A1") cells(1,1)
range("B6") cells(6,2)
range("A3:C5") range(cells(3,1),cells(5,3))
Thanks John. I'm still a bit of an idiot on this one. Once I've identified the F column in whatever row I happen to be in. How do I then get the data (I have to put it into another worksheet) in the F column beginning at the active cell for a range of a totals of 10 columns such as F34:O34. The thing is since I never know what row I'll be in, don't know how to active the 10 cells once I find a match on the input parameter.