Ref:REQ: View Inside Zip/Rar Files Explorer Style

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zo
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Someone recommended this one as a substitute for XNView in a previous
thread, and after checking it out, discovered that this one will peek
inside both Zip and Rar files explorer style, single click, without the
use of outside programs.

ACiD View 6.10

We at ACiD Productions, LLC proudly present to you the
first Windows-based viewer for the artscene. This highly
innovative program is capable of displaying a wide variety of
formats such as ANSI, ASCII, ADF, BIN, GIF, JPEG, PNG, RIPscrip
& XBIN with additional supported formats underway. ACiD View
for Windows utilizes its own internal ANSI routines making it
capable of viewing ANSI without fussing with the configuration
of an internal device driver. We hope that this version of
ACiD View provides you with the countless hours of pleasure
that we've sought after with its creation.


þ Supports SAUCE descriptions in title bar and full SAUCE option
þ Navigate and view files from a ZIP or RAR without
þ Command Line viewing supported
þ Slide Show mode
þ Save-As PNG or AVI for ANSI animations
þ Windows File Type/File Extension registration
þ Drag and Drop Loading of image files into the viewer
þ History kept of Viewed Files, File Masks, and Recent Directories

þ Variable Speed ANSI viewing
þ Modem-Simulation for animated ANSI viewing (2,400-57,600 bps)
þ Multiple File Masking
þ Drive and Directory switching
þ Automatic Smooth Scrolling option for text-based viewing
þ 25-, and 50-line mode ANSI, ASCII and BIN viewing
þ Built in Text-mode fonts: Standard IBM PC, Amiga, and AcidView
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 80x25 or 80x50 text-modes
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 640 pixels wide (1/1, 8x16 font) -
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 320 pixels wide (1/2, 4x8 font) - "MCGA"

þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 160 pixels wide (1/4, 2x4 font) - "VGA"
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 80 pixels wide (1/8, 1x2 font) - "SVGA"

þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in Full Screen Mode
þ Palette options: Color, iCE-Color, Greyscale, and ASCII-only
þ Resident XBIN Font and XBIN Palette loading
þ Secret RIPscrip Level 0-1 viewing
þ (GIF) CompuServe [G]raphics nterchange [F]ormat viewing
þ (JPEG) [J]oint [P]hotographic [E]xperts [G]roup JFIF viewing
þ (PNG) [P]ortable [N]etwork [G]raphics viewing
þ Full mouse support

System Requirements

þ VGA: Standard SVGA card in 640x480x16bit (1024x768 recommended)
þ CPU: Pentium 586 or better processor (Pentium II 686
þ RAM: 2MB RAM required (10MB recommended)
þ OS: Microsoft Windows 95* or above.

* = While ACiD View for Windows is coded with the users of
Windows in mind, this version has been tested and reported
to be compatible with both Linux under WineX and MacOS X
using Virtual PC.

Small, only 225 kb download size. No installation required.
The viewer isn't the best, but it does what you requested.

Zo said:
Someone recommended this one as a substitute for XNView in a previous
thread, and after checking it out, discovered that this one will peek
inside both Zip and Rar files explorer style, single click, without the
use of outside programs.

ACiD View 6.10

We at ACiD Productions, LLC proudly present to you the
first Windows-based viewer for the artscene. This highly
innovative program is capable of displaying a wide variety of
formats such as ANSI, ASCII, ADF, BIN, GIF, JPEG, PNG, RIPscrip
& XBIN with additional supported formats underway. ACiD View
for Windows utilizes its own internal ANSI routines making it
capable of viewing ANSI without fussing with the configuration
of an internal device driver. We hope that this version of
ACiD View provides you with the countless hours of pleasure
that we've sought after with its creation.


þ Supports SAUCE descriptions in title bar and full SAUCE option
þ Navigate and view files from a ZIP or RAR without
þ Command Line viewing supported
þ Slide Show mode
þ Save-As PNG or AVI for ANSI animations
þ Windows File Type/File Extension registration
þ Drag and Drop Loading of image files into the viewer
þ History kept of Viewed Files, File Masks, and Recent Directories

þ Variable Speed ANSI viewing
þ Modem-Simulation for animated ANSI viewing (2,400-57,600 bps)
þ Multiple File Masking
þ Drive and Directory switching
þ Automatic Smooth Scrolling option for text-based viewing
þ 25-, and 50-line mode ANSI, ASCII and BIN viewing
þ Built in Text-mode fonts: Standard IBM PC, Amiga, and AcidView
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 80x25 or 80x50 text-modes
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 640 pixels wide (1/1, 8x16 font) -
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 320 pixels wide (1/2, 4x8 font) - "MCGA"

þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 160 pixels wide (1/4, 2x4 font) - "VGA"
þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in 80 pixels wide (1/8, 1x2 font) - "SVGA"

þ ANSI and BIN Viewing in Full Screen Mode
þ Palette options: Color, iCE-Color, Greyscale, and ASCII-only
þ Resident XBIN Font and XBIN Palette loading
þ Secret RIPscrip Level 0-1 viewing
þ (GIF) CompuServe [G]raphics nterchange [F]ormat viewing
þ (JPEG) [J]oint [P]hotographic [E]xperts [G]roup JFIF viewing
þ (PNG) [P]ortable [N]etwork [G]raphics viewing
þ Full mouse support

System Requirements

þ VGA: Standard SVGA card in 640x480x16bit (1024x768 recommended)
þ CPU: Pentium 586 or better processor (Pentium II 686
þ RAM: 2MB RAM required (10MB recommended)
þ OS: Microsoft Windows 95* or above.

* = While ACiD View for Windows is coded with the users of
Windows in mind, this version has been tested and reported
to be compatible with both Linux under WineX and MacOS X
using Virtual PC.

Small, only 225 kb download size. No installation required.
The viewer isn't the best, but it does what you requested.


Thanks, Zo.

Mike Sa
Peter said:
ms - 10.11.2004 15:59 :

[about 90 unnecessary quoting line snipped]
I tried to cancel my post when I saw it needed clipping, too late. Normally, I
clip, which you should have noticed.

Mike Sa
Zo said:
Someone recommended this one as a substitute for XNView in a previous
thread, and after checking it out, discovered that this one will peek
inside both Zip and Rar files explorer style, single click, without the
use of outside programs.

ACiD View 6.10
Small, only 225 kb download size. No installation required.

The program is a standalone exec (430k, MFC). No install, yes, which is
dignified. Settings are stored in a key in HKCU. On first launch, offers
to register some associations, but does not insist. It does do something
I find very irritating. That which is unfortunately a common fault. The
forced creation of vanity filetype. Together with an entry on explorer's
New Document menu.

The viewer isn't the best, but it does what you requested.

:: I want to be able to navigate through a directory of zip/rars using
:: up/down arrows with the contents flashing past in the other pane

Zo's right. With AcidView, one can arrow through a directory of compressed
files, and see the list of their contents, displayed hierarchically in the
main window. Then on the right pane, there is a viewer window, suitable
for displaying any textual files which are inside the compressed files.

Here is a pic of it dealing with a zip (, for the screenshot,
since it was most handy):

There is also a link there, for another pic, of AcidView in action for
viewing graphics files.

Zo's right as well, that it isn't the best viewer around. I'll make brief
comments. Based on my total five minutes experience. :)

It is a viewer only, and there is no file management action at all, unlike
with other viewers. There is no connection with the explorer. The explorer
context-menu, which the majority of file navigator/viewers have, it is not
available in this one. That would maybe lean it towards being particularly
light and fast. But its independence from the rest of things went a little
too far for my pref. What I mean is that when I renamed a folder externally,
there was no way to get AcidView to refresh to read current contents of
disk. It had to be shut down and restarted.

AcidView features some sort of auto-scrolling function. I guess that's
for hands-free reading of text files or something. On first launch, it
is set to on. I rushed right away to shut that off.

It also showed some kind of command for slideshow. Nothing happened for
me when I tried the command "Start Slideshow." I'd had it pointing at a
folder of pics, with one displayed, but apparently that was not adequate.
I assume that one must rtfm and find out what settings, and so forth, are
needed, before executing the slideshow command effectively. I didn't happen
to be interested enough to pursue.

Brief mention of the initial config dialog that shows on first launch, for
file extensions. It's a weird set.

.adf .asc .bin .cia .diz .ice .lit .nfo .mem .xb

I can understand the reason for the asci types, .asc .nfo .diz. I don't
get why anyone would every want to assign .bin in any particular way.
The other extensions, I've no familiarity with them (maybe they're old
ascii types like the first group?). I did wonder about the .lit. I don't
know if that represents that AcidView has any special reading ability
there. Or whether instead it merely decides to think that is a textual

I've no other general remarks about AcidView. I only spent 5-10 minutes.
And really, did not see any intriguing functions. Except for the purposes
others already brought up. One, navigating through a directory of pictures
(although there are many better options for that). And, two, navigating
through a directory of compressed (zip, etc) files, and quickly seeing the