It works the same in both versions of Word AFAIK.
Let me try to rephrase your question in Word terms, that way if I am
mistaken in my assumptions perhaps we can straighten that out right away. I
read your question as:
I want to set up a template as a protected form with fields inserted using
the forms toolbar. At least one of those fields will get information that I
want repeated elsewhere in my form without the user having to retype it. How
can I do this?
Assuming that is your question...
In Word you use a REF field to repeat information marked as a bookmark.
Forms bar fields are automatically given a name which also is a bookmark
holding the "value" of the field. Look at the field's properties to see this
name. You can (and probably should) change it to something more meaningful
than "Text1." While you are looking at the properties, also check the box
for "calculate on exit." This really means "update anything that uses
information from this field."
Assume for the moment that your field's name is "CompanyName." Your REF
field(s) would be { REF "CompanyName" }. The braces here need to be inserted
using Insert => Field or Insert => CrossReference or Ctrl-F9; you can't just
type them, they are special characters.
You are creating what Word calls an "online form." Check this in help. For
more about online forms, follow the links at especially Dian
Chapman's series of articles.
If this is not an online form (or even if it is) you may want to look at
Hope this helps,
Charles Kenyon
Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
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