About a year a half ago
Sean Liming and Brad Combs had a discussion here
under the title "El Torito DVD & ETPREP (MS Question)."
I was hoping that either of them (or someone else)
could provide a clarification of couple topics of
that conversation.
Sean Liming said:
I see someone is awake
Nero6 allows you to split the DVD/CD into two
partitions so you can take full advantage of the space on the DVD. In
case, one partition is the El-Torito Partition (with limitation of the
and the second is the data partition (the rest of the DVD).
I ask how do you do this?
Are these the instruactions that slobodan bricin has
provided in serveral post?
Then Brad Combs and Sena Liming stated that:
.....of course there are the freeware ISO utilities that might be better
suited than HD2ISO.
suited than HD2ISO
I ask what utility would that be mkisofs? If so what are the specifics.
Sean Liming and Brad Combs had a discussion here
under the title "El Torito DVD & ETPREP (MS Question)."
I was hoping that either of them (or someone else)
could provide a clarification of couple topics of
that conversation.
Sean Liming said:
I see someone is awake

partitions so you can take full advantage of the space on the DVD. In
case, one partition is the El-Torito Partition (with limitation of the
and the second is the data partition (the rest of the DVD).
I ask how do you do this?
Are these the instruactions that slobodan bricin has
provided in serveral post?
Then Brad Combs and Sena Liming stated that:
.....of course there are the freeware ISO utilities that might be better
suited than HD2ISO.
suited than HD2ISO
I ask what utility would that be mkisofs? If so what are the specifics.