Redshift is better than redeye !


Sep 30, 2005
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Do you get eye strain if you have used the pc for too long ? Then Redshift may be able to help. It gives my screen a reddish tinge at night which I find ok for reading or fiddling about if I want to watch video content I usually feed stuff to the tv.
During the day I use it as a quick way to take some of the glare our of white pages by using the disabling the auto-brightness feature, see below.


I use the gui not the cli and it has a quirk or two in my set up. I find it best to stop redshift and restart when I make changes to it. That only involves a couple of quick clicks as I have set it up as a dock icon. :cool:

The Arch wiki page,

The Redshift home page,

A decent article with a good guide,

Protect Your Eyes From Strain With Redshift in Linux

Did you ever have problems falling asleep after staying up late with a computer or smartphone? Most computer screens emit a blueish light by default to imitate daylight so that they appear more natural to look at. While it probably has an aesthetic advantage, it also has an unwanted side-effect.


Drat I just realised that I have given my secrete cabin location away. :eek::lol:

And I thought that redshift was to measure the distances of galaxies not the distance to your PC. :D
Redshift Control Display Color Temperature

Redshift is a program that adjusts the color temperature of your computer screen according to daytime and nighttime. This program is suitable for those people working on computers during night shift as it will hurt your eyes less.

How Redshift works
As night approaches your computer screen gradually transition to reddish so your eyes can slowly adapt to it. Then gradually turn back to normal when morning approaches again and the cycle continues. But one must be wondering why? That’s because researchers have proven that blue light emitted from your computer screen can actually harm your health by disrupting your sleep cycle (circadian rhythm). Blue light harming your health applies only when you are occupied on your gadget/computer during evening and nighttime.

It does help to stop eye strain at night time. Not much use for gaming though as it alters the colour and brightness of your screen. :cool:
