Doug said:
That would not work because anyone just entering the domaion name
would not end up at the website
What I'm trying to do is use the redirect from the website to an
intranet IP address at another location
Is it possible to redirect to an intranet site?
I would have thought that if you want your visitor to see a site, then that
site must be on the internet, not on an intranet site.
Users will then only have to remember the
or as the case my be
insead of remembering the individual IP addresses of these sites
Why not place the stuff you want for Sydney in (or whatever your default page name is) or
in pages in the same folder?
Ditto for Melbourne.
If you want to redirect to another internet site, then you can do that also.
But it seems likely to me that all of it would/could be stored somehere in
the site
Perhaps the storage costs are a factor - dunno !
I know there is a way of the name servers where the website is hosted
to install a reverses lookups but they say they can't or they will
just not do it for me hoping to get the extra business by having the
databases on thier site.
The phrase "reverses lookups" means nothing to me.
I suppose it is the website provider's right to try to keep your business
with them, but can they prevent a redirection? Possibly if they detect it
happening, and they really don't like it, they could terminate your
contract. Read your conditions of service.
P.S. I am no internet expert, even though I was a programmer (in ABS) before
I retired. I am just making suggestions that seem reasonable, but not
knowing your set-up.