redirecting within frameset


Serge L

Ok, I have Main.htm page which contains:
<frameset rows="20%,80%">
<frame scrolling="no" name="top" src="ONE.aspx">
<frame scrolling="yes" name="bottom" src="MAIN.aspx">
and I have another webform TWO.aspx

So the top frame (one.aspx) contains action buttons and
bottom frame is for display purposes.

So when user clicks button on ONE.aspx I use:

I would like TWO.aspx to replace MAIN.aspx on the bottom,
but instead TWO.aspx replaces ONE.aspx on top.

Is there any elegant way to do this?

Thank you.

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

This is one of the many reasons that using frames in .NET is generally a bad
Usually you're better off partitioning logical sections of your page into
web user controls.
Here's more info:

If you must stick with frames then you'll need to use client side javascript
to accomplish your goal.

Alex Papadimoulis

Hi Serge,

I agree with Steve C., however there are a lot of times when frames are the
best solution. In anycase, a server.transfer won't work.

You can use a regular link:
<a href="two.aspx" target="bottom"> ...

Or some javascript:

If you want to register the javascript in your codebehind, then check out
RegisterStartupScript function.

-- Alex Papadimoulis

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