I'd be careful about installing 3rd party printer drivers on your terminal
servers, even the ones from HP that they certified for use on TS & Citrix.
3rd party printer drivers (those that didn't come with your version of
Windows Server) are by far the number one cause of instablility on terminal
server, often causing spooler failures and even server reboots (if using a
kernel mode driver).
I'd highly recommend that you stick with the built-in drivers whenever
possible, and use driver mapping to map a natively unsupported printer to a
bult-in compatible driver. For LaserJet 4xxx series printers I use LaserJet
4 Plus Drivers.
Built-in PCL5 & PS Drivers are the safest, whereas PCL6 drivers tend to be
more problematic and cause much larger spool files. Disabling the advanced
printing options in the client's printer properties can reduce the spool size
by up to 90% on certain types of files.
NEVER, EVER use a kernel mode printer driver on a terminal server. These
are the ones that are labled for use with NT4 and 2000, not for XP or 2003.
These drivers run in system context and if they become unstable will likely
BSOD your server.