redirecting and mapping

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When redirecting does it make a difference if you do it a client
side redirect or via an call?

Assume that the client has a hyperlink which was populated based on
what the server thinks is the url, can you have cases where the url
shown is different to that which the server thinks it is due to some
kind of mapping? If so should redirects always occur via the server
side code?
redirecting is always done client side, either via a hyperlink url, or
the server sending the url with a redirect status (Response.Redirect).
in both cases the server must send the correct url from the clients
point of view. server setup (say a load balancer that changes ip
addesses) can cause a server to wrong in both cases.

a server can proxy a url to give access to say an internal server that
is not open to the internet.

-- bruce (
server setup (say a load balancer that changes ip
addesses) can cause a server to wrong in both cases.

so what do developers do about this in practice?
a server can proxy a url to give access to say an internal server that
is not open to the internet.

I suspect this is the answer to my question but I'm afraid I didn't
understand it

thanks for the reply