Hi there, hope somebody can help. My ISP has fp enabled, and so I have a web
page which I have published and I can access it via
The problem is I have a domain name, hosted by my ISP, and I want to forward
hits to my domain to my fp website. My ISP's help pages aren't very helpful
and I can't get their instructions to work.
Using a FTP client, I have uploaded a file called index.html and a file
called anchor.html (I have copied them below) to my webspace but when I
access my domain name http://www.MYDOMAIN.com all I get is a blank page. If
I view source I can see the index.html code, but the redirect isn't working.
Could anybody give me a link to generic instructions for this kind of
situation, as I am sure that other people know what to do.
Many thanks
<TITLE>Welcome to MYDOMAIN.com</TITLE>
<FRAMESET ROWS="0,""border=0 bordercolor=white>
<FRAMESET SRC="anchor.html" NAME="anchor" scrolling=no>
<!..This page handles visitors who can't view frames..>
<h3><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This website requires that
your browser supports frames</font><h3>
<P><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The browser you are using is
either unable to handles frames, or frames have been disabled. To view this
site please use a browser that supports frames. Alternatively you can view
the contents of this site
<a href=fp.MYUSERNAME.MYISP.com">here</a></font>
<!-- anchor frame -->
page which I have published and I can access it via
The problem is I have a domain name, hosted by my ISP, and I want to forward
hits to my domain to my fp website. My ISP's help pages aren't very helpful
and I can't get their instructions to work.
Using a FTP client, I have uploaded a file called index.html and a file
called anchor.html (I have copied them below) to my webspace but when I
access my domain name http://www.MYDOMAIN.com all I get is a blank page. If
I view source I can see the index.html code, but the redirect isn't working.
Could anybody give me a link to generic instructions for this kind of
situation, as I am sure that other people know what to do.
Many thanks
<TITLE>Welcome to MYDOMAIN.com</TITLE>
<FRAMESET ROWS="0,""border=0 bordercolor=white>
<FRAMESET SRC="anchor.html" NAME="anchor" scrolling=no>
<!..This page handles visitors who can't view frames..>
<h3><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">This website requires that
your browser supports frames</font><h3>
<P><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The browser you are using is
either unable to handles frames, or frames have been disabled. To view this
site please use a browser that supports frames. Alternatively you can view
the contents of this site
<a href=fp.MYUSERNAME.MYISP.com">here</a></font>
<!-- anchor frame -->