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Our old OWA configuration was: (Exch55 on NT4)
OWA was on internal server with ports 80 and 443 open on the firewall that
then connected to mailboxes on the 2 Exchange servers. This is pretty much
the standard configuration
Recently we upgraded Exchange to 2003 including upgrading OWA. So now our
configurations is:
ISA 2004 in DMZ publishing the OWA site. This connects via SSL to the
Front-End server which connects to the 2 backend Exchange 2003 mailbox
servers. Again, this seems to the be recommended and most secure setup MS
Our old OWA site was http://exchange.ci.ourcity.ca.us and now is
http://exchange.ourcity.net. We still have plenty of users that try to go to
the old OWA site so we have setup a page on the old OWA that says this page
no longer exists please use the new OWA at than a link to the new.
Our problem is we want to shutoff the old OWA server and want DNS requests
to exchange.ci.ourcity.ca.us to be redirected to the new
exchange.ourcity.net and have the ISA server see it as a request to
exchange.ourcity.net since it can only handle requests for that specific
Is there a way to accomplish this, or am I always going to have to have a
webpage with a link from the old to the new.
PS, I wish this were just a simple as shutting down the old, forcing the end
users to only use the new URL, but mgmt is not a big fan of that and has
forbidden it as an alternative.
Our old OWA configuration was: (Exch55 on NT4)
OWA was on internal server with ports 80 and 443 open on the firewall that
then connected to mailboxes on the 2 Exchange servers. This is pretty much
the standard configuration
Recently we upgraded Exchange to 2003 including upgrading OWA. So now our
configurations is:
ISA 2004 in DMZ publishing the OWA site. This connects via SSL to the
Front-End server which connects to the 2 backend Exchange 2003 mailbox
servers. Again, this seems to the be recommended and most secure setup MS
Our old OWA site was http://exchange.ci.ourcity.ca.us and now is
http://exchange.ourcity.net. We still have plenty of users that try to go to
the old OWA site so we have setup a page on the old OWA that says this page
no longer exists please use the new OWA at than a link to the new.
Our problem is we want to shutoff the old OWA server and want DNS requests
to exchange.ci.ourcity.ca.us to be redirected to the new
exchange.ourcity.net and have the ISA server see it as a request to
exchange.ourcity.net since it can only handle requests for that specific
Is there a way to accomplish this, or am I always going to have to have a
webpage with a link from the old to the new.
PS, I wish this were just a simple as shutting down the old, forcing the end
users to only use the new URL, but mgmt is not a big fan of that and has
forbidden it as an alternative.