Hermit Dave said:
Hyperlink has a property called NavigateURL... assign the URL you need to go
to there.....
you also have a target property where you can set the target on a particular
frame or a new window etc...
Hi Dave,
The object I referred to is not a 'Hyperlink' but a 'Hyperlink column' (as
part of a DataGrid). Assigning the URL, URL field, and URL format string is
quite simple - no problem there. However, what I haven't figured out is how
I customize the response in case the URL points to a non-existent page.
For example, I have a DataGrid that holds information on a large series of
documents. The first column is a hyperlink column that points to the actual
document. The URL is set by the DataGrid automatically based on the URL
field and URL format string. Works perfectly. However, in some cases the
document does not exist and clicking on the hyperlink column button is
followed by a "Page Cannot be Displayed" response. I want to be able to
customize _that_ response page so I can supply a more intelligent error
I guess my original question was somewhat short ...