redemption in outlook 2007

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r kimball

I had a macro that worked fine in Outlook 2003 under windows 2K; on a new machine running windows xp sp2 and outlook 2007, it doesn't work. This macro copied info from a selected contact to the clipboard with just one click: very useful! Error message is : "Compile error: Can't find project or library." Offending line is: Set mySafeContact = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeContactItem") Can anyone help? I have installed Redemption. Here is the relevant code. Thanks in advance!!

Sub copy_contact_info()

Dim ol As New Outlook.Application
Dim sl As Outlook.Selection
Dim myExplorer As Outlook.Explorer
Dim strContactInfo As String
Dim MyData As New MSForms.dataObject
Dim mySafeItem As Object

Set myExplorer = ol.ActiveExplorer
Set sl = myExplorer.Selection

Set mySafeContact = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeContactItem")
Set mySafeContact.Item = sl.Item(1)

With mySafeContact

strContactInfo = FormatEntryBreak(.FullName)
If .BusinessAddressStreet <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("Business:")
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.JobTitle)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.CompanyName)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.BusinessAddressStreet)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryComma(.BusinessAddressCity)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .BusinessAddressState
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .BusinessAddressPostalCode & vbCrLf
If .BusinessAddressCountry <> "United States of America" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.BusinessAddressCountry) & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End If
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & vbCrLf
End If
If .HomeAddressStreet <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("Home:")
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.HomeAddressStreet)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryComma(.HomeAddressCity)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .HomeAddressState
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .HomeAddressPostalCode & vbCrLf
If .HomeAddressCountry <> "United States of America" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.HomeAddressCountry) & vbCrLf
End If
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & vbCrLf
End If
If .OtherAddressStreet <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("Other:")
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.OtherAddressStreet)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryComma(.OtherAddressCity)
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .OtherAddressState
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & " " & .OtherAddressPostalCode & vbCrLf
If .OtherAddressCountry <> "United States of America" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak(.OtherAddressCountry) & vbCrLf
End If
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & vbCrLf
End If

If .HomeTelephoneNumber <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("H: " & .HomeTelephoneNumber)
End If

If .BusinessTelephoneNumber <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("O: " & .BusinessTelephoneNumber)
End If

If .BusinessFaxNumber <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("F: " & .BusinessFaxNumber)
End If

If .MobileTelephoneNumber <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & FormatEntryBreak("M: " & .MobileTelephoneNumber)
End If

If .Email1Address <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & vbCrLf & FormatEntryBreak(.Email1Address)
End If

If .Email2Address <> "" Then
strContactInfo = strContactInfo & vbCrLf & FormatEntryBreak(.Email2Address)
End If

End With

MyData.SetText strContactInfo

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You're usually better off posting programming questions in a programming

Did you register Redemption? Is it in your VBA project references?