Redemption and Itemsend not working

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guest
  • Start date Start date


I have code that runs from Excel, Access, that sends out reports automatically. Now that I have xp I have modified my code to use Redemption so that my workstations can be locked and still run the reports. The problem is I also have code in the thisoutlooksession module (application_itemsend) that no longer works. The emails are sent out and I can see them in my sent folder but my itemsend code isn't moving the messages or doing other things that the code is suppose to do. Any suggestions on why the itemsend isn't working when I use redemption
Are you getting any errors? Does Item_Send start working once you comment
out the Redempton code? What is your Redemption code?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Kevin W said:
I have code that runs from Excel, Access, that sends out reports
automatically. Now that I have xp I have modified my code to use Redemption
so that my workstations can be locked and still run the reports. The problem
is I also have code in the thisoutlooksession module (application_itemsend)
that no longer works. The emails are sent out and I can see them in my sent
folder but my itemsend code isn't moving the messages or doing other things
that the code is suppose to do. Any suggestions on why the itemsend isn't
working when I use redemption?
I get no errors, when I use the redemption code the message is sent but itemsend code isn't initiated
If I comment out the redemption code the itemsend is initiated once the message is sent
here is my code

Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set myattachments = Nothin
Set ol = Nothin
Set NewMail = Nothin
Set SafeItem = Nothin
Set ol = New Outlook.Applicatio
Set NewMail = New Redemption.SafeMailIte
Set SafeItem = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem
NewMail.Item = SafeIte

With NewMai
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "US CBG Reporting
.to = mailname
.Importance = olImportanceHig
.Subject = Subject
.Body = Body$ & Chr(13) & Chr(13
End Wit
If attach$ = "" The
Set myattachments = Nothin
Set myattachments = NewMail.Attachment
TEMP_ATTACH$ = attach
IntPos = InStr(1, attach$, ","
If IntPos > 0 The
attach1$ = (Left(attach$, IntPos - 1)
Set F_Attach1 = FS.GetFile(attach1$
mysize = F_Attach1.Siz
If mysize > 3000000 The
myattachments.Add attach1$, olByReferenc
myattachments.Add attach1
End I

attach$ = Right(attach$, Len(attach$) - IntPos
Set F_Attach1 = FS.GetFile(attach$
mysize = F_Attach1.Siz
If mysize > 3000000 The
myattachments.Add attach$, olByReferenc
myattachments.Add attach
End I
End I
Loop Until InStr(1, TEMP_ATTACH$, ",") =
End I

Set Utils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils"

End Functio

Here is my itemsend code

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean

previousday = Date - 1 + Tim
Set ol = New Outlook.Applicatio
Set pgmoutlook = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI"
Set myinbox = pgmoutlook.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox
Set mymailbox = pgmoutlook.Folders(2
Set cbgmailbox = pgmoutlook.Folders(3

' Move items sent from US CBG Rep in my inbox to the US CBG Rep deleted folde
Set cbgdeleted = cbgmailbox.Folders("Deleted Items"
Set myinboxitems = myinbox.Item
Set myinboxitem = myinboxitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'"
While TypeName(myinboxitem) <> "Nothing
myinboxitem.Move cbgdelete
Set myinboxitem = myinboxitems.FindNex

' moves items sent from us cbg rep in my sent folder to the us cbg rep sent folde
'Set mysent = mynamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail
Set mysent = mymailbox.Folders("Sent Items"
Set cbgsent = cbgmailbox.Folders("Sent Items"
Set mysentitems = mysent.Item
Set mysentitem = mysentitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'"
While TypeName(mysentitem) <> "Nothing
mysentitem.Move cbgsen
Set mysentitem = mysentitems.FindNex

'moves items sent from us cbg rep in my deleted folder to the US CBG rep deleted folde
Set mydeleted = mymailbox.Folders("Deleted Items"
Set cbgdeleted = cbgmailbox.Folders("Deleted Items"
Set mydeleteditems = mydeleted.Item
Set mydeleteditem = mydeleteditems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'"
While TypeName(mydeleteditem) <> "Nothing
mydeleteditem.Move cbgdelete
Set mydeleteditem = mydeleteditems.FindNex

'moves items sent from us cbg rep in its sent folder to the US CBG rep deleted folde
Set cbgsentitems = cbgsent.Item
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'"
While TypeName(cbgsentitem) <> "Nothing
sentdate$ = cbgsentitem.SentO
If sentdate$ < previousday The
cbgsentitem.Move cbgdelete
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.FindNex
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.FindNex
End I

'deletes out of office messages from US CBG Rep inbo
Set cbginbox = cbgmailbox.Folders("Inbox"
Set cbginboxitems = cbginbox.Item
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.Find("[Sendername] <> 'US CBG Reporting'"
While TypeName(cbginboxitem) <> "Nothing
Subject$ = cbginboxitem.Subjec
If Left$(Subject$, 13) = "Out of office" Or Left$(Subject$, 13) = "Out of Office" Then
cbginboxitem.Move cbgdeleted
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.FindNext
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.FindNext
End If

'deletes items in US CBG rep deleted folder older than 1 day
Set cbgdeleteditems = cbgdeleted.Items
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetFirst
While TypeName(cbgdeleteditem) <> "Nothing"
sentdate$ = cbgdeleteditem.SentOn
If sentdate$ < previousday Then
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetNext
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetNext
End If

End Sub

----- Dmitry Streblechenko wrote: -----

Are you getting any errors? Does Item_Send start working once you comment
out the Redempton code? What is your Redemption code?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Kevin W said:
I have code that runs from Excel, Access, that sends out reports
automatically. Now that I have xp I have modified my code to use Redemption
so that my workstations can be locked and still run the reports. The problem
is I also have code in the thisoutlooksession module (application_itemsend)
that no longer works. The emails are sent out and I can see them in my sent
folder but my itemsend code isn't moving the messages or doing other things
that the code is suppose to do. Any suggestions on why the itemsend isn't
working when I use redemption?
This is expected if you are using Redemption rather than Outlook Object
Model to send a message - Redemption uses Extended MAPI, hence Outlook is
not notified that a message is sent.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Keivn W said:
I get no errors, when I use the redemption code the message is sent but itemsend code isn't initiated.
If I comment out the redemption code the itemsend is initiated once the message is sent.
here is my code.

Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set myattachments = Nothing
Set ol = Nothing
Set NewMail = Nothing
Set SafeItem = Nothing
Set ol = New Outlook.Application
Set NewMail = New Redemption.SafeMailItem
Set SafeItem = ol.CreateItem(olMailItem)
NewMail.Item = SafeItem

With NewMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "US CBG Reporting"
.to = mailname$
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Subject = Subject$
.Body = Body$ & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
End With
If attach$ = "" Then
Set myattachments = Nothing
Set myattachments = NewMail.Attachments
TEMP_ATTACH$ = attach$
IntPos = InStr(1, attach$, ",")
If IntPos > 0 Then
attach1$ = (Left(attach$, IntPos - 1))
Set F_Attach1 = FS.GetFile(attach1$)
mysize = F_Attach1.Size
If mysize > 3000000 Then
myattachments.Add attach1$, olByReference
myattachments.Add attach1$
End If

attach$ = Right(attach$, Len(attach$) - IntPos)
Set F_Attach1 = FS.GetFile(attach$)
mysize = F_Attach1.Size
If mysize > 3000000 Then
myattachments.Add attach$, olByReference
myattachments.Add attach$
End If
End If
Loop Until InStr(1, TEMP_ATTACH$, ",") = 0
End If

Set Utils = CreateObject("Redemption.MAPIUtils")

End Function

Here is my itemsend code.

Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)

previousday = Date - 1 + Time
Set ol = New Outlook.Application
Set pgmoutlook = ol.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myinbox = pgmoutlook.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set mymailbox = pgmoutlook.Folders(2)
Set cbgmailbox = pgmoutlook.Folders(3)

' Move items sent from US CBG Rep in my inbox to the US CBG Rep deleted folder
Set cbgdeleted = cbgmailbox.Folders("Deleted Items")
Set myinboxitems = myinbox.Items
Set myinboxitem = myinboxitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'")
While TypeName(myinboxitem) <> "Nothing"
myinboxitem.Move cbgdeleted
Set myinboxitem = myinboxitems.FindNext

' moves items sent from us cbg rep in my sent folder to the us cbg rep sent folder
'Set mysent = mynamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderSentMail)
Set mysent = mymailbox.Folders("Sent Items")
Set cbgsent = cbgmailbox.Folders("Sent Items")
Set mysentitems = mysent.Items
Set mysentitem = mysentitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'")
While TypeName(mysentitem) <> "Nothing"
mysentitem.Move cbgsent
Set mysentitem = mysentitems.FindNext

'moves items sent from us cbg rep in my deleted folder to the US CBG rep deleted folder
Set mydeleted = mymailbox.Folders("Deleted Items")
Set cbgdeleted = cbgmailbox.Folders("Deleted Items")
Set mydeleteditems = mydeleted.Items
Set mydeleteditem = mydeleteditems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'")
While TypeName(mydeleteditem) <> "Nothing"
mydeleteditem.Move cbgdeleted
Set mydeleteditem = mydeleteditems.FindNext

'moves items sent from us cbg rep in its sent folder to the US CBG rep deleted folder
Set cbgsentitems = cbgsent.Items
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.Find("[Sendername] = 'US CBG REPORTING'")
While TypeName(cbgsentitem) <> "Nothing"
sentdate$ = cbgsentitem.SentOn
If sentdate$ < previousday Then
cbgsentitem.Move cbgdeleted
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.FindNext
Set cbgsentitem = cbgsentitems.FindNext
End If

'deletes out of office messages from US CBG Rep inbox
Set cbginbox = cbgmailbox.Folders("Inbox")
Set cbginboxitems = cbginbox.Items
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.Find("[Sendername] <> 'US CBG Reporting'")
While TypeName(cbginboxitem) <> "Nothing"
Subject$ = cbginboxitem.Subject
If Left$(Subject$, 13) = "Out of office" Or Left$(Subject$, 13) = "Out of Office" Then
cbginboxitem.Move cbgdeleted
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.FindNext
Set cbginboxitem = cbginboxitems.FindNext
End If

'deletes items in US CBG rep deleted folder older than 1 day
Set cbgdeleteditems = cbgdeleted.Items
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetFirst
While TypeName(cbgdeleteditem) <> "Nothing"
sentdate$ = cbgdeleteditem.SentOn
If sentdate$ < previousday Then
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetNext
Set cbgdeleteditem = cbgdeleteditems.GetNext
End If

End Sub

----- Dmitry Streblechenko wrote: -----

Are you getting any errors? Does Item_Send start working once you comment
out the Redempton code? What is your Redemption code?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

Kevin W said:
I have code that runs from Excel, Access, that sends out reports
automatically. Now that I have xp I have modified my code to use Redemption
so that my workstations can be locked and still run the reports. The problem
is I also have code in the thisoutlooksession module (application_itemsend)
that no longer works. The emails are sent out and I can see them in my sent
folder but my itemsend code isn't moving the messages or doing other things
that the code is suppose to do. Any suggestions on why the itemsend isn't
working when I use redemption?