Red X's in squares



On some sites, all I get is these squares with red x's and am wondering why
that happens.



This is usually the result of either corrupt files or miconfigurations.

There are a variety of pages dealing with this problem, and you may find the
following of specific use:

Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer (Red X placeholder)

Red X image displayed where the applet should be, applets won't run (Concerning

And a general library concerning fixes to this type of error,

If you would like more help, please do not hesitate to reply to this thread,

Best regards,


: On some sites, all I get is these squares with red x's and am wondering why
: that happens.

Jan Il

Hi Bewildered :)
On some sites, all I get is these squares with red x's and am wondering why
that happens.

You can also try clearing out your TIF's:

Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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