Red 'X' Appears on Home Folder Mapped Drive in Windows Explorer



I am starting to get this error message since I upgraded
my Windows XP with the latest fixes.
the knowledge base tells me that it is a known issue, and
that I am to contact Microsoft to get the fix.

kbbug kbfix kbWinXPpreSP2fix KB330519

But I cannot find out where to download this file from.

Can someone send me an URL to this file, or send it to my
email address.

Thank you !

Sharon F

Call MS as stated in the article. Describe your problem to them and how it
relates to this particular archive in the Knowledge Base. If they think the
situation is appropriate for this fix, they will email you the information
needed to download. Stick to this issue in your conversation and the
support fee will be waived. Doesn't hurt to ask/remind them about the fee
before hanging up.


Thank you...
I will do as you suggested.

-----Original Message-----

Call MS as stated in the article. Describe your problem to them and how it
relates to this particular archive in the Knowledge Base. If they think the
situation is appropriate for this fix, they will email you the information
needed to download. Stick to this issue in your conversation and the
support fee will be waived. Doesn't hurt to ask/remind them about the fee
before hanging up.

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