Red squares on web pages.



On some web pages for example where some images should be there are
blank red squares....other pages are ok.Ithink there was one on opening this
discussion page... any ideas????--
Thanks in anticipation...

Ted Zieglar

For some reason the images could not be downloaded, and what you are
seeing is a placeholder.

It could be the originating web server's problem - inwhich case there's
nothing you can do aside from complaining to the webmaster - or it could
be due to some type of filtering software you have on your computer. Or
maybe all you need to do is clear TIF, deleting all offline content.


Microsoft says to:Open regedit,expand:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/software/
microsoft/IE/plugins/open mime -delete all Close out,locate extension,open,
delete all,close out regedit.I believe kb#915158 Gives details.

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