Red Eyes In My Photos

Feb 6, 2003
Reaction score
Hiya guys

I was out the other night in this club
I was taking some pictures.
It was obviously dark and I put the flash on
the camera is a Sony T9

And Im just looking at my photos now and I see everyone has RED eyes

not really good with cameras dont know much about them
but what am I doing wrong?

Any ideas?

You need to enable red eye flash - you know where the flash flickers LOTS of times then takes the photo, as opposed to just flashing the one time. Most good cameras have this.
Yep, look at the manual settings. Basically, to stop red eye the camera flash will blink several times which reduces the subject's iris, thus reducing red eye.

If you have a pic with red eye, if you have Paint Shop Pro, there's a fix in there for red eye, it's auto.

If not, and you have photoshop, Google for the fix, it's not as easy as PSP, but it works a whole lot better.
thanks guys

so ill look in the manual
im looking for "Red Eye Flash"

is that correct?

yer most of the nighttime photos everyone has RED EYES!!!!

dont think id photoshop it Flopps thanks
just sounds a bit too much


yer what happens is that this RED light comes on just be4 i take the pic

i dont know if this is whats meant to happen!
duh im so dumb
so this AF beam is that meant to come on like that?

I get the feeling its not!!!

no idea really
For Red Eye Fix

Pictures you have already taken can be easily corrected using FastStone Image Viewer which is FREE to download and use. It is a great program for those who need simplicity.;)
Made my Day

Thanks Quad ..a present for nothing...made my day this has :wave: