Red Dead Redemption


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Any Wild West fans here? Gameplay trailer for "Red Dead Redemption" (XBox 360 platform) HERE

Review HERE

It's priced around £34.99 at the moment, but the graphics look amazing.(no, I haven't got it, just nosying around. :D )

It does look very very good, and I may end up getting this title for my XBox 360, probably take a look at someone elses copy first before commiting!
I've read nothing but good reviews for this and will get it eventually, when it costs less than 35 quid, probably, as I have quite enough games to keep me occupied for the moment, both Xbox 360 and PC.

There have been very few successful Western computer games which is odd when you think it's such an obvious genre for the format.

The only two successful (that reads good) Western games have been Lucas Arts' Outlaws back in the day and Call Of Juarez One.