Red Crosses on white squares on some web pages



Can anyone tell me what is causing these annoying small red crosses on white
squares on some web pages? On some web sites most the pages are complete
and this only happens on some of the links to other pages within the same


Jan Il

Hi Axel :)

You don't mention the version of Windows you are using, so I can only try to
guess at a solution. Try the following and see if it helps:

First - Do you have an accelerator supplied by your ISP? If so, try turning
it off.
It works by reducing image size (and therefor quality) for downloads.

Try clearing the IE cache. IE>Tools>Options>General>Delete files (and
delete offline content.)

Disable any 3rd party toolbars, ad or popup blockers you may have installed.

Zone Alarm Pro can block Images in IE

1. Go into IE>Tools>Internet Options>Security>Custom level>reset custom
level to Medium or Low
2. Go into IE>Tools>Internet Options>Privacy>set the slider to Medium or Low
3. Go to this site and read on adjusting the Privacy settings in ZA. It will
explain how to customize on a per site basis.

Right click on the graphic you see and a pop up menu should appear. Select
"Show Picture" option.

Then, go to Internet Options>Advanced Tab
Show Pictures - check option if
unchecked to display pictures all the time.

If still no joy………..

Web Page Displays an Image As a Red X or Not at All (Q283807)

Red X, Images missing, Fuzzy or Distorted images
Scroll down. The text may not fit the page.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows/Internet Explorer
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:


Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Axel said:
Can anyone tell me what is causing these annoying small red crosses
on white squares on some web pages? On some web sites most the pages
are complete and this only happens on some of the links to other
pages within the same site.



Most of the contents of this page are from Don Varnau and Mike Burgess

There are many possible causes and solutions.
Try the quick, easy fix first. Clear the IE cache from IE> Tools> Internet
Options> General> Delete files and Delete offline content. Reset the TIF
folder size to about 50MB (Settings button) and clear it occasionally.

Also, go to Start | Run and type
regsvr32 /i mshtml
and press OK.

283807 - Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer
Note: Repairing IE instead of reinstalling may work
194177 - Description of the Internet Explorer Repair Tool (Windows
318378 - How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in
Windows XP:

221134 - Some Images, Contents, or Controls May Not Be Displayed When
- - - - -
Additional information from Mike Burgess:

Are you using a Firewall or "filtering software"?

Several of these are known to cause problems:
1) Zone Alarm Pro [Private Header Info - enabled?]
Reset "Ad Blocking" and "Cookie Control" to "medium"
"Mobile Code Control" = Off

2) Symantec (ISS\NIS)[Enable Browser Privacy - enabled]
Active Content - "Allow All Script To Execute"
Problem: some sites cannot detect the 128 bit encryption
Solution: Completely remove and reinstall NIS.
[more info]
Web Pages Display a Red "X" Instead of a Graphic [Norton Products]

3) Any "ad blocking" software that blocks "http_referrer"
or contains entries that are blocking access to the desired site.

4) HOSTS file that contains entries that are blocking access to the desired

5) Cookie blocking software that are blocking "required" Cookies.

6) Pop-up blockers that are stripping header\url info.

7) WebWasher Standard Filter/URL Filter

8) Make sure the following registry entry is not corrupt:
"User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)"

Note: "Win32" = Windows 98\ME
Other versions = (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;)

To check your "User Agent":
Paste the below into the Address Bar and view the output:


[Example WinME output]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
- - - - -
Other possibilities at

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC


Hi Jan & Frank,

Many thanks for a very comprehensive reply!

More information from me would obviously help in cutting down the possible
causes & solutions, so here goes.

Windows XP Home edition with all the latest service packs and security

I do not have an accelerator form my ISP installed.

I do not use Zone Alarm.

I regularily, at least once a week, clear out my cache files.

I do have Norton System Works and Norton Firewall installed.


Frank Saunders said:
Axel said:
Can anyone tell me what is causing these annoying small red crosses
on white squares on some web pages? On some web sites most the pages
are complete and this only happens on some of the links to other
pages within the same site.



Most of the contents of this page are from Don Varnau and Mike Burgess

There are many possible causes and solutions.
Try the quick, easy fix first. Clear the IE cache from IE> Tools> Internet
Options> General> Delete files and Delete offline content. Reset the TIF
folder size to about 50MB (Settings button) and clear it occasionally.

Also, go to Start | Run and type
regsvr32 /i mshtml
and press OK.

283807 - Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer
Note: Repairing IE instead of reinstalling may work
194177 - Description of the Internet Explorer Repair Tool (Windows
318378 - How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express
in Windows XP:

221134 - Some Images, Contents, or Controls May Not Be Displayed When
- - - - -
Additional information from Mike Burgess:

Are you using a Firewall or "filtering software"?

Several of these are known to cause problems:
1) Zone Alarm Pro [Private Header Info - enabled?]
Reset "Ad Blocking" and "Cookie Control" to "medium"
"Mobile Code Control" = Off

2) Symantec (ISS\NIS)[Enable Browser Privacy - enabled]
Active Content - "Allow All Script To Execute"
Problem: some sites cannot detect the 128 bit encryption
Solution: Completely remove and reinstall NIS.
[more info]
Web Pages Display a Red "X" Instead of a Graphic [Norton Products]

3) Any "ad blocking" software that blocks "http_referrer"
or contains entries that are blocking access to the desired site.

4) HOSTS file that contains entries that are blocking access to the

5) Cookie blocking software that are blocking "required" Cookies.

6) Pop-up blockers that are stripping header\url info.

7) WebWasher Standard Filter/URL Filter

8) Make sure the following registry entry is not corrupt:
"User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)"

Note: "Win32" = Windows 98\ME
Other versions = (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;)

To check your "User Agent":
Paste the below into the Address Bar and view the output:


[Example WinME output]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
- - - - -
Other possibilities at

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Jan Il

Hi Axel :)

Thank you for the additional infornation on your system OS.

Just go ahead and try the suggestions that may apply to your OS and problem
and ignore the others.

Hope this helps.

Jan :)
MS MVP - Windows/Internet Explorer
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

Replies are posted only to the newsgroup for the benefit or other readers.
How to make a good newsgroup post:

Hi Jan & Frank,

Many thanks for a very comprehensive reply!

More information from me would obviously help in cutting down the possible
causes & solutions, so here goes.

Windows XP Home edition with all the latest service packs and security

I do not have an accelerator form my ISP installed.

I do not use Zone Alarm.

I regularily, at least once a week, clear out my cache files.

I do have Norton System Works and Norton Firewall installed.


Frank Saunders said:
Axel said:
Can anyone tell me what is causing these annoying small red crosses
on white squares on some web pages? On some web sites most the pages
are complete and this only happens on some of the links to other
pages within the same site.



Most of the contents of this page are from Don Varnau and Mike Burgess

There are many possible causes and solutions.
Try the quick, easy fix first. Clear the IE cache from IE> Tools>
Options> General> Delete files and Delete offline content. Reset the TIF
folder size to about 50MB (Settings button) and clear it occasionally.

Also, go to Start | Run and type
regsvr32 /i mshtml
and press OK.

283807 - Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer
Note: Repairing IE instead of reinstalling may work
194177 - Description of the Internet Explorer Repair Tool (Windows
318378 - How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express
in Windows XP:

221134 - Some Images, Contents, or Controls May Not Be Displayed When
- - - - -
Additional information from Mike Burgess:

Are you using a Firewall or "filtering software"?

Several of these are known to cause problems:
1) Zone Alarm Pro [Private Header Info - enabled?]
Reset "Ad Blocking" and "Cookie Control" to "medium"
"Mobile Code Control" = Off

2) Symantec (ISS\NIS)[Enable Browser Privacy - enabled]
Active Content - "Allow All Script To Execute"
Problem: some sites cannot detect the 128 bit encryption
Solution: Completely remove and reinstall NIS.
[more info]
Web Pages Display a Red "X" Instead of a Graphic [Norton Products]

3) Any "ad blocking" software that blocks "http_referrer"
or contains entries that are blocking access to the desired site.

4) HOSTS file that contains entries that are blocking access to the

5) Cookie blocking software that are blocking "required" Cookies.

6) Pop-up blockers that are stripping header\url info.

7) WebWasher Standard Filter/URL Filter

8) Make sure the following registry entry is not corrupt:
"User Agent"="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32)"

Note: "Win32" = Windows 98\ME
Other versions = (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0;)

To check your "User Agent":
Paste the below into the Address Bar and view the output:


[Example WinME output]
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
- - - - -
Other possibilities at

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Axel said:
Hi Jan & Frank,

Many thanks for a very comprehensive reply!

More information from me would obviously help in cutting down the
possible causes & solutions, so here goes.

Windows XP Home edition with all the latest service packs and security

I do not have an accelerator form my ISP installed.

I do not use Zone Alarm.

I regularily, at least once a week, clear out my cache files.

I do have Norton System Works and Norton Firewall installed.


While not connected to the Internet turn off the Norton Firewall and turn on
the Windows firewall. Then reconnect to the Internet and try the same

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC

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