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I am making a football hightlight tape of my son and I need to put a red
circle over him at the start of a play so the coaches know who to watch.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this or can I buy the effect or do I have
to create something in Paint and move it over to Movie Maker?
Hi Rich....I think that is what I would do; use your Paint program or Paint
Shop Pro, Photoshop, or other picture editor. But first you need a, in Movie Maker, in the preview window you can stop the video on
the 'frame' you would want to use as your still photo to use. The button
beneath the preview window to the far right will capture that picture, and
you will be able to save it as a file on your computer. Get that picture
and put your red circle over him in Paint and then re-save it. Then you can
import that picture into Movie Maker. Do a 'clip' 'split' where you would
want to insert that picture on the timeline and extend it by clicking on it
and grabbing the end of it to the length of time you want it to show. Then
I would drag a part of the video into the picture to give it a transition
sort of effect of having some movement.

The only other way I can think of would be to use an overlay....which if you
are adventurous might be the best idea. If you go to and then click on 'support forums' in the
upper left you will go to a movie maker forum. Down the list of various
sections go the the one that is called 'share your transitions and effects'.
Read about the various xml's people have made as transitions. One I use
is Comp A add B. Here is what I would do with that.....make a picture with
a completely black background and draw the red circle approximately where you
want it located that it would be over the players head. Save that picture.
You would 'split' your video ....maybe about 7 or 8 seconds in front of where
you want the overlaid circle to show.....then bring in your picture and
insert it at the split. Then use the CompAaddB transition between your
picture and the video on the left side.....magnify the timeline, and drag the
picture into the video as far as it will go. The transition makes the
'black' background of the picture the video shows through
and also the red circle. Look thru all the postings that I mentioned in the
forum and look for the black can find there how to get it
and use it. Mainly when you find the xml program listing, you need to
highlight it and copy it....then paste it into your 'notepad' program....from
there you do a 'save as' with .xml as its extension; and put it into your
AddOnTFX folder which is inside your Movie Maker program folder.

Hope this is understandable....something for you to try while you wait for
other better and SHORTER answers.... ha ha Good luck!
Just a thought, in addition, you might want to make a title frame at the
beginning and tell the watcher his number and position.