This afternoon our gatway virus alarm indicated an outbreak of the
MY_DOOM.F virus. We received and are still receiving very high volumes as
of 19:20 CST 02/23/04. We do not use Symantec products at the gateway
level but do on some desktops. Just out of curiosity, we pointed Norton
Antivirus 2003 at the gateway virus containment folder and guess what?
Norton Antivirus didn't pick up on the MY_DOOM.F.
Symantec's website revealed that they knew about this virus as of 02/20/04.
They further state that MY_DOOM.F will be in the LiveUpdate package as of
02/25/04. The current virus definitions that are retrieved by LiveUpdate
are 02/18/04. They also state that LiveUpdates are released on Wednesdays.
Handy info for those releasing viurses into the wild.
Whats the point of LiveUpdate checking for new definitions every 4 hours if
they aren't going to release virus definitions in a timely fashion? I know
that you can manually download new definitions ahead of LiveUpdate but I bet
a significant number of people just depend on LiveUpdate. Anyway, this may
explain the outbreak that we are seeing.
After writing the above post, I see that they have now released a 02/23/04
LiveUpdate versus 02/25/04 as of a few hours ago. Too late, the horse is
already out of the barn and they're trying to cover their butt and hoped
nobody noticed.
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]
MY_DOOM.F virus. We received and are still receiving very high volumes as
of 19:20 CST 02/23/04. We do not use Symantec products at the gateway
level but do on some desktops. Just out of curiosity, we pointed Norton
Antivirus 2003 at the gateway virus containment folder and guess what?
Norton Antivirus didn't pick up on the MY_DOOM.F.
Symantec's website revealed that they knew about this virus as of 02/20/04.
They further state that MY_DOOM.F will be in the LiveUpdate package as of
02/25/04. The current virus definitions that are retrieved by LiveUpdate
are 02/18/04. They also state that LiveUpdates are released on Wednesdays.
Handy info for those releasing viurses into the wild.
Whats the point of LiveUpdate checking for new definitions every 4 hours if
they aren't going to release virus definitions in a timely fashion? I know
that you can manually download new definitions ahead of LiveUpdate but I bet
a significant number of people just depend on LiveUpdate. Anyway, this may
explain the outbreak that we are seeing.
After writing the above post, I see that they have now released a 02/23/04
LiveUpdate versus 02/25/04 as of a few hours ago. Too late, the horse is
already out of the barn and they're trying to cover their butt and hoped
nobody noticed.
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]