Recycler folder



I seem to have contracted an email virus. My inbox is
constantly inundated with undeliverable mail which I have
not sent. This despite the fact that I use and maintain
Norton anti virus and Internet securities.

After running an online scan provided by my ISP, I
discovered some trojans that are located in a folder
labled C:\Recycler. I cannot find this folder (have
checked to see if hidden). I tried to create a new
Recycler folder just to see if it would allow me to. It
would not. So this folder does exist somewhere.

Any thoughts on what to try next, or a solution would be
most appreciated.


George Hester

Windows Explorer | Tools | Folder Options... | View | check everything that allows you to see all hidden files extensions and folders and keeps you in the dark.

Then C:\Recycler select that. You'll find the files then.

Gary Smith

Paul said:
After running an online scan provided by my ISP, I
discovered some trojans that are located in a folder
labled C:\Recycler. I cannot find this folder (have
checked to see if hidden). I tried to create a new
Recycler folder just to see if it would allow me to. It
would not. So this folder does exist somewhere.

That's the Recycle Bin, You can clean out the whole mess at once by
deleting it. Windows will build a few folder the next time it's needed.

To delete the Recycle Bin, open a command prompt window (Start > Run, type
"cmd", click OK) and in it type the line

rd /s C:\Recycler

Reply "y" to the confirmation prompt and the folder and all of its
contents are gone.

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