Recycle Bin


Michelle L

Hi, I have a heap of files in my recycle bin that are JPGs. I have deleted
some I want to restore, only I have so many in there from so many different
folders I dont want to restore them all. I dont know the name of the ones I
want because they are just digital camera file names.

Is there a way to either view the jpgs in the recycle bin as thumbs or to
restore the contents to a seperate area rather than to their original
location? Otherwise I am going to end up with a huge mess if I have to
restore all the jpgs to the original locations and wade through so many
folders trying to figure out what's what. I have Norton Systemworks on my PC
and that seems to be managing the Recycle.

I am in a terrible situation where my dog is in doggy hospital and the
outcome is not looking favourable at this stage. I have gone thru all of my
photos tonight and I am mortified at my pittiful collection. I am sure I
deleted some a while ago and want to restore them to see just how bad they
really are. I am hating myself over this, I have been getting into SLR
photography, taken 4000 photos in 4 months and do you think I can find 100
photos of my poor dog ? No.... and the ones I have were taken when I first
got the camera so not the best skills. I really want to see what I deleted
because some of them might of been ditched for simple things that didn't
pass the photography side of things.



Hi Michelle,
First thing - I hope your best friend gets better !

Explore the recycle bin then click on "View" on the top of the page and
select "Thumbnails"

If you have a large amount of files in there it will take a while to convert
them to the thumbnails view.

You can also look at Recycle contents by exploring C:\RECYCLER and select
Thumbnails under the View settings as well.



Michelle said:
Hi, I have a heap of files in my recycle bin that are JPGs. I have deleted
some I want to restore, only I have so many in there from so many different
folders I dont want to restore them all. I dont know the name of the ones I
want because they are just digital camera file names.

Is there a way to either view the jpgs in the recycle bin as thumbs or to
restore the contents to a seperate area rather than to their original
location? Otherwise I am going to end up with a huge mess if I have to
restore all the jpgs to the original locations and wade through so many
folders trying to figure out what's what. I have Norton Systemworks on my PC
and that seems to be managing the Recycle.

I am in a terrible situation where my dog is in doggy hospital and the
outcome is not looking favourable at this stage. I have gone thru all of my
photos tonight and I am mortified at my pittiful collection. I am sure I
deleted some a while ago and want to restore them to see just how bad they
really are. I am hating myself over this, I have been getting into SLR
photography, taken 4000 photos in 4 months and do you think I can find 100
photos of my poor dog ? No.... and the ones I have were taken when I first
got the camera so not the best skills. I really want to see what I deleted
because some of them might of been ditched for simple things that didn't
pass the photography side of things.


you will be better off restoring them all and being left with a mess
than by loosing some very valuable pix.

If any the files were will get a warning about not being
able to restore it as the file already exists..

You may want to restore a hundred or so at a time so you don't get

BTW: Very sorry to hear about your dog. I just lost my 18 year old cat

Sharon F

Hi, I have a heap of files in my recycle bin that are JPGs. I have deleted
some I want to restore, only I have so many in there from so many different
folders I dont want to restore them all. I dont know the name of the ones I
want because they are just digital camera file names.

Is there a way to either view the jpgs in the recycle bin as thumbs or to
restore the contents to a seperate area rather than to their original
location? Otherwise I am going to end up with a huge mess if I have to
restore all the jpgs to the original locations and wade through so many
folders trying to figure out what's what. I have Norton Systemworks on my PC
and that seems to be managing the Recycle.

I am in a terrible situation where my dog is in doggy hospital and the
outcome is not looking favourable at this stage. I have gone thru all of my
photos tonight and I am mortified at my pittiful collection. I am sure I
deleted some a while ago and want to restore them to see just how bad they
really are. I am hating myself over this, I have been getting into SLR
photography, taken 4000 photos in 4 months and do you think I can find 100
photos of my poor dog ? No.... and the ones I have were taken when I first
got the camera so not the best skills. I really want to see what I deleted
because some of them might of been ditched for simple things that didn't
pass the photography side of things.


Create a folder someplace convenient. Drag and drop the .JPG files from the
Recycle Bin to the new folder. Review them at your leisure.

Michelle L

omg that's it, simple as going into Explorer and the recycle bin is there,
actually I dont even have to restore them because it comes up as a drive and
all the thumbnails are there.
thank you thank you. sometimes the simple things just dont register. I was
looking at the recycle bin from the desktop only, not in Explorer

philo sorry about your fur baby, very cute photo.

My dog is looking a bit better today and has picked up somewhat when I
visited him at the Vet this morning. We still aren't any closer to finding
out what is going on.


Hi Michelle,
Good to hear your dog is doing a bit better - Hope it continues.

You would be wise to copy the pictures to a different folder like Sharon
suggested. It will prevent accidently loosing them by emptying the Recycle

Michelle L said:
omg that's it, simple as going into Explorer and the recycle bin is there,
actually I dont even have to restore them because it comes up as a drive
and all the thumbnails are there.
thank you thank you. sometimes the simple things just dont register. I was
looking at the recycle bin from the desktop only, not in Explorer

philo sorry about your fur baby, very cute photo.

My dog is looking a bit better today and has picked up somewhat when I
visited him at the Vet this morning. We still aren't any closer to finding
out what is going on.

Sharon F

omg that's it, simple as going into Explorer and the recycle bin is there,
actually I dont even have to restore them because it comes up as a drive and
all the thumbnails are there.
thank you thank you. sometimes the simple things just dont register. I was
looking at the recycle bin from the desktop only, not in Explorer

philo sorry about your fur baby, very cute photo.

My dog is looking a bit better today and has picked up somewhat when I
visited him at the Vet this morning. We still aren't any closer to finding
out what is going on.

Chalk it up to having your mind on other things. Hope all goes well for
your dog. Your post made me realize I need to get busy and rectify a lack
of pictures of my black lab - so *thank you* for that reminder.

Michelle L

Hi Sharon, I'm glad I inspired you to do that!
Unfortunately we lost our boy, we had to put him to sleep. He had
Hemangiosarcoma which is a blood based tumour. He had no hope. We didn't
find this out until after we put him to sleep so it was a relief to find out
though in the end there was no question we did the right thing by him.
I have been going through lots of photos and have found many tucked away on
CDs so all is not lost.


Michelle -- Sorry for your loss !


Michelle L said:
Hi Sharon, I'm glad I inspired you to do that!
Unfortunately we lost our boy, we had to put him to sleep. He had
Hemangiosarcoma which is a blood based tumour. He had no hope. We didn't
find this out until after we put him to sleep so it was a relief to find
out though in the end there was no question we did the right thing by him.
I have been going through lots of photos and have found many tucked away
on CDs so all is not lost.

Sharon F

Hi Sharon, I'm glad I inspired you to do that!
Unfortunately we lost our boy, we had to put him to sleep. He had
Hemangiosarcoma which is a blood based tumour. He had no hope. We didn't
find this out until after we put him to sleep so it was a relief to find out
though in the end there was no question we did the right thing by him.
I have been going through lots of photos and have found many tucked away on
CDs so all is not lost.

The ultimat responsibility of pet ownership. Sorry to hear this but am glad
you found more photos. Take care~

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