The Public folders are shared - with other users of the PC, and with
network users (but ONLY if Network Sharing is enabledin the
Network&Sharing dialog)
The Public Desktop is exactly what and where it should be, IMHO - it's
a set of (usually) links that are shared by all users of the PC.
Because it's a hidden folder, it's not visible over a network (but may
still be accessible? - dunno - not tried it!) It's used by program
installers specifically for this purpose, because the installer
doesn't have permissions to put the links into other users' desktops,
and can't put them into user desktops that haven't yet been created.
Until recently there were VERY few programs that it was possible to
install for only one user - this is now changing.
Win 9x, and Win XP/2k have also always had this ability - although the
location of the folder may have been slightly different (\Documents &
Settings\All Users\Desktop in the case of XP,\Windows\All
Users\Desktop in the case of ME )
If you want to share things with specific users, that too is possible,
biut you have to specifically allow it, and then specify the
Mainframes and PC's are a little different, aren't they?

(I cut my teeth on an IBM 360...and then discovered the Commodore PET
- but I could tell tales of the PC at school in 1972......)
OK - on to your query....
Access Denied errors in my experience are usually caused by the user
having not opened Explorer with Admin Privileges (Run As Admin) - the
password requested is not required for an admin account, since you're
already logged in (one way or another) with the privileges required,
but these are limited by UAC until specifically actuated by physical
intervention (the OK click) - sometimes, I have seen this end up in a
recursive loop - then the option is to take ownership of the file
concerned, and delete it, or to delete it using the appropriate
account. When this problem occurs, it seems to be usually because the
owner of the file in question no longer exists on the machine, and it
has problems working out whether you have the required
privileges...... but I could be talking out of my nether regions, so
don't quote me!
HTH - and good luck