Recyble Bin Erase Track Option does not work

  • Thread starter Thread starter Edisandro Bessa
  • Start date Start date

Edisandro Bessa


I am using the Microsoft AntiSpyware version 1.0.501 with
the latest definition files version 5725 on Windows XP
with service pack 2 Portuguese - Brazil version.

After manually delete a txt file (without press the shift
key) it was sent to Recycle Bin. So, after that I opened
the Microsoft AntiSpyware and via Advance Tools => Tracks
Eraser option I checked windows Recycle Bin option and
then submited to erase by clicking the Erase Track button.

When the process finished I received a message reporting
successfull on the operation but the txt files still
remains on Recycle Bin.

I believe that it is a bug from Microsoft AntiSpyware beta
1 that should be fixed.

Thanks and Best Regards,

Edisandro Bessa.

Manaus - Amazon - Brazil