Has anyone here ever used recursion to take the results of ONE sql query, and fill a tree object accordingly. Here is my situation. I'm storing data on "templates", and certain templates can fall under other templates. From a data standpoint in sql server, I have a [parent] column, that contains the id of its parent (the primary key of the table), if this parent is "0", I'm assuming its parent will be my root node.
My strategy for doing this was to have one datatable (the results of the query), and then set dataviews in the recursive function to look at the desired [parent], if one exists, add that node to the tree, then call the same function again with the new parent. Here is my code I have:
'dt is my datatable, it is filled before this
Dim node As TreeNode = New TreeNode
node.Text = "All Templates"
node.NodeData = "0"
FillTemplates(dt, "0", node)
Private Sub FillTemplates(ByRef dt As DataTable, ByVal parent As String, ByRef node As TreeNode)
Dim dv As DataView = dt.DefaultView
dv.RowFilter = "[parent] = '" & parent & "'"
Dim i As Integer, count As Integer
count = dv.Count - 1
For i = 0 To count
Dim newNode As TreeNode = New TreeNode
newNode.Text = CStr(dv.Item(i)("label"))
newNode.NodeData = CStr(dv.Item(i)("tmpID"))
FillTemplates(dt, newNode.NodeData, newNode)
End Sub
This works..., until I have a nested depth of 3, then it breaks (the dataviews are getting messed up from prior recursive calls). I'm not really after fixing this function just yet, I'm throwing this question out in hopes someone may offer an entirely different way of going about this.
Anyone ever know of an easier way?
Has anyone here ever used recursion to take the results of ONE sql query, and fill a tree object accordingly. Here is my situation. I'm storing data on "templates", and certain templates can fall under other templates. From a data standpoint in sql server, I have a [parent] column, that contains the id of its parent (the primary key of the table), if this parent is "0", I'm assuming its parent will be my root node.
My strategy for doing this was to have one datatable (the results of the query), and then set dataviews in the recursive function to look at the desired [parent], if one exists, add that node to the tree, then call the same function again with the new parent. Here is my code I have:
'dt is my datatable, it is filled before this
Dim node As TreeNode = New TreeNode
node.Text = "All Templates"
node.NodeData = "0"
FillTemplates(dt, "0", node)
Private Sub FillTemplates(ByRef dt As DataTable, ByVal parent As String, ByRef node As TreeNode)
Dim dv As DataView = dt.DefaultView
dv.RowFilter = "[parent] = '" & parent & "'"
Dim i As Integer, count As Integer
count = dv.Count - 1
For i = 0 To count
Dim newNode As TreeNode = New TreeNode
newNode.Text = CStr(dv.Item(i)("label"))
newNode.NodeData = CStr(dv.Item(i)("tmpID"))
FillTemplates(dt, newNode.NodeData, newNode)
End Sub
This works..., until I have a nested depth of 3, then it breaks (the dataviews are getting messed up from prior recursive calls). I'm not really after fixing this function just yet, I'm throwing this question out in hopes someone may offer an entirely different way of going about this.
Anyone ever know of an easier way?